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SOT: registering band name


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The best way is to hire a lawyer to do a trademark search for you. If the name is available, you can then register the trademark.

But if your band is currently gigging, selling CDs, getting airplay, etc. that will go a long way in establishing your right to the name if someone else tries to use that name in the future.

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Okay. I've got another question. My brother and I had a name picked out and even set up a myspace site for it a couple weeks back. Someone else messaged us on there and said they were using that name.

Anyway, I have a few other options. One is my old bandname that I've had for years and years and is mine. Another couple ideas we've thought of are not taken.

I just thought of another name today that I kind of like. Trouble is, it's the name of a church denomination, specifically the one we grew up attending. Are those names trademarked? I mean, Frank Black had/has The Catholics. How does that work?

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Originally posted by BillyGrahamCracker

I just thought of another name today that I kind of like. Trouble is, it's the name of a church denomination, specifically the one we grew up attending. Are those names trademarked? I mean, Frank Black had/has The Catholics. How does that work?



Someone's backing band can be called whatever the hell they like- the records are sold by Frank Black.

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Originally posted by mofx4me

The best way is to hire a lawyer to do a trademark search for you. If the name is available, you can then register the trademark.

But if your band is currently gigging, selling CDs, getting airplay, etc. that will go a long way in establishing your right to the name if someone else tries to use that name in the future.



this is correct.


you can save yourself legal fees and just kinda go along with the regular band process. the only time you are going to need to worry about the band name concern, is if you are making a good profit.

chances are, you will then be signed.

depending on the label, just have them foot the bill.


until then, google/purevolume/myspace should be a sufficient search process.

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