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which midi keyboard should i get?


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i compose something like modern classical music tho i'm interested in expanding to using electronic sounds as well and i'm looking for a good midi keyboard. i don't anything fancy really, no need for huge amount of sliders or effects. a touch response, a vibrato controller, a sustain pedal, the possibility of tuning the keyboard to Just Intonation and as many octaves as possible is what i'm interested in. weighted keys are optional tho i prefer them to those light plastic flaps. the price range should be from 200$ to something like 400$.


what would you guys suggest?




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Originally posted by TimmyII


how about that m audio 88keys thingie? does anyone have any experience?

I don't think the m-audio pro keys meets your needs at all. It's devoted more to pianos than synths. It only has a very few synthy textures like strings and pads. These are only samples, not anything you can really dig into. It doesn't do any tunings except equal.:cry:


I agree with the Ensoniq recommendation. I owned a VFX for many years. It's a very capable instrument. I believe it did about 8 different tunings.:thu:

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