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OCD with Fulldrive II?


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I have the Fulldrive II-does anyone have both? I tried the Ocd and thought it was pretty cool sounding-more bottom end, more overdrive-even with a clean amp it went into Marshall type heavy sounds, but I've read reviews that said it's more of an overdrive and when compared to the Fulldrive, only has a little more gain. I guess this is confusing since I mostly don't use the boost and use it through an already broken up amp.

I guess my question is do I need both-the Fulldrive gets a bit too smooth/kind of midrangy/muddy sometimes-for a more over the top Marshall type heavier sound I was thinking Ocd. How are they in conjunction? Are they too much alike to justify both? The amp I played through didn't have a master volume so I couldn't tell about how it mixed with a bluesy overdriven amp.

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Originally posted by surfcat

How are they in conjunction? Are they too much alike to justify both? The amp I played through didn't have a master volume so I couldn't tell about how it mixed with a bluesy overdriven amp.


A lot of guys like the combination. I prefer each pedal seperately. And no, I don't think they're enough alike to make owning both redundant.

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