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The top secret usable setting for the Ibanez Modulation Delay


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Okay, so I see a lot of people get the Ibanez Modulation Delay pedals and then complain that it sounds too wierd and not what they expected. So here's my all purpose setting for usable sounds across all of the delay ranges:


D-Time: Nearly all the way on, just a little off fully clockwise.

Width: Barely on

Delay Level: 3 o'clock

Speed: Start from barely on, you can go to 9o'clock depending on taste.

Repeats (this is the important bit), almost fully off, about 7 o'clock.


This should give you a tape delay-ish sound with several repeats in the max delay range, a slightly chorusy clean memory man-like sound, slapback and doubling/flanging sounds. And nothing outrageous.



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I rigged it up so it will work for the time being. Those settings sounded pretty good. I have one or two of my own that I used, based off of yours:

D-Mode-All the way up
D-Time: Between 10 and 1 o'clock
Width: Barely on to 8 oclock
Speed: 8-10 o'clock.
Repeats: to taste. I like short slapbacks and triplet delays. I'm usually no higher than 11 o'clock.
Delay Level: between 9 and 11 o'clock.

This allows you a nice moderately to just crazy modulated delay, right before it goes into tape winding sea-sickness. Very useful for straight rock and our moderately weirder indie sounding stuff.
Its a little bit more clear than the DMM and takes up much less room, which both are appealing to me.

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Originally posted by elctmist

Okay, so I see a lot of people get the Ibanez Modulation Delay pedals and then complain that it sounds too wierd and not what they expected. So here's my all purpose setting for usable sounds across all of the delay ranges:

D-Time: Nearly all the way on, just a little off fully clockwise.

Width: Barely on

Delay Level: 3 o'clock

Speed: Start from barely on, you can go to 9o'clock depending on taste.

Repeats (this is the important bit), almost fully off, about 7 o'clock.

This should give you a tape delay-ish sound with several repeats in the max delay range, a slightly chorusy clean memory man-like sound, slapback and doubling/flanging sounds. And nothing outrageous.




Thanks for the tips.


I admit my life has been pretty chaotic since I got mine so I haven't had much of a chance to mess with it but what I did get out of it so far was just crazy space noises. I bought it because I heard it was comparable to a DMM.


I'll try these settings out.

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Thelonius....try mine out, as well. I was looking strictly to replace my DMM for size/board real estate reasons. This is the first time I've neen satisfied with the sounds I've gotten out of it last night. Its my feeling that once you get that modulation settings to your liking, its really just a matter of getting the delay volume to your taste. I like my delay just kind of noticeable and sort of hovering around, as opposed to being at equal volume as my straight signal. You might be happy with these as it kind of gets you very close to the DMM, only a little more clear.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I've got a DML-20, PDM-1, and a UD-Stomp. The modulation on the PDM seems much more dramatic than the DML, and by that, I mean, with the modulation at it's minimum depth (while still being on), it's much more dramatic than the DML is, even when it's depth is at about 9:30... just kinda wierd. The DML can be much more subtle.

Both of them sound warmer than the UD, but the UD is so incredible with what it can do. The flexibility is amazing. I was debating picking up one of the $89 Magicstomps, just to get the UD models.


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Originally posted by iodine74

I've got a DML-20, PDM-1, and a UD-Stomp. The modulation on the PDM seems much more dramatic than the DML, and by that, I mean, with the modulation at it's minimum depth (while still being on), it's much more dramatic than the DML is, even when it's depth is at about 9:30... just kinda wierd. The DML can be much more subtle.

That's actually why I let the PDM go...


I was disappointed at the difference between 0 and 1 on the depth setting. Should have been a more gradual taper. If the "1" setting had been "5" or "6" instead, that would have been sweet.

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Understandable. I think one of the main reasons I'm keeping mine is that I also have the PDL (Delay), PLQ (Parametric), PDS (Disotrtion), as well as the Interface Unit (still need to figure out what do do about those SEDI Cables). Maybe one day I'll find the POD-1... that would be quite a nice collection (oddball, but nice).

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Yeah, I actually got it cheap and was planning to flip it for profit. I was relieved when the depth wasn't as controllable as on the DML because all too often, I buy something cheap to flip for profit and end up liking it so much I keep it!!


I always use longer delays with the repeat volume turned up fairly high...I'm sure it has a lot of useable settings for other folks, though. Probably some cool echo-y sounds.

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  • 1 month later...
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I have a dml II as well. my budy got one a long time ago for the weird sounds and I thought it was annoying with all the noises...now I love modulated delay and had to get one to go alongside my dd-20. The width barely on is the secret to this beast though i'm going to try these settings right now.

However, the guy who mentioned the UD stomp is right...its a beast. a wonderful delay making beast. I have one now and only recently tried some settings on the dml or dd-20.

The DML definitely has a lot of character or warmth to it despite its digitalness.

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I have a peavey DEP-16 which does the mental tape-winding delay thing, and I've always wanted to rty out one of the DML's..... just to see if we're talking in the same terms about space noise and wacko delay. One day I'll swing by one.....

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