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I'm re-thinking my whole rig, suggestions needed!

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Please bear with me, I know this is long, but I really need some advice. I edited it down a bit.


My current rig;

'83 Strat > Colorsound Wah Fuzz> Sunface NKT 275, >Zoom PD-01> deja vibe, (new white version), > TU-2 > Marshal 1987x RI with

A TTE in the loop.

I also ended up with a small collection of other pedals too. a Loooper ABY, Octron, and the Tube Driver for sale in my signature.


I run the amp through a Hotplate into a borrowed Mesa 2x12 with V30's in it.


The Problems I am having,

A) The amp is waaaay too loud, even with the hot plate. At home, and even when I was playing with a band, but I really like the clean, and the overdriven tones of this amp. I also like being able to be totally clean and keep up with a drummer. I like the effects loop too.


B) I am falling out of love with most out of these pedals,


Colorsound Fuzz Wah - kills all my bass, and makes some noise, It cost me a lot, for something I am not going to use, but I love the fuzz inside it. Tough to part with. Should I sell it for a Teese or an auto wah?


Zoom PD-01 - I like the almost transparent low gain boost, but hate that mid hump. I could upgrade to a more tranparent OD?


Sunface - I use this for most of my dirt, but I think maybe I am not using it correctly. It does clean up some when I lower my guitar volume, but not totaly clean, which I do need sometimes.

It sounds nothing like the Gilmour Fuzzface tones I was going for. Maybe I need a silicon FF?


The TU-2 is even kind of screwy, it is very unstable, hard to get a good reading. Is the DT-10 any better?


Octron - I don't think I am an Octave Fuzz guy.


The only effects I am really happy with are the TTE, and the Deja Vibe, but I really wish the vibe had the expression pedal. I could trade it in for a Mojo?


I'll keep the ABY, it will always come in handy.


C) I started off basing my rig on Gilmours early setup. I've gotten so confused I don't even remember the sound I want anymore. I think I need a break for a while.


I play things like Pink Floyd, Neil Young, The Stones, the Dead, "Classic Rock".

I am not gigging. The band I was playing in completely fell apart, meaning I am playing by myself at home now, and I live in a paper walled apartment. I do plan on getting something else together in the future though. (Anyone in NJ wanna jam?)


Might there be a better amp for my purposes?


Maybe I just need a champ or a small marshall for home usage.


Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

Its late, I need my gloucoma medicine, then I'm gonna play my acoustic for a while.

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here's a suggestion. sell me your octron! for mega cheap:mad:


i think what you're asking is a little out of our hands. i've been a forum member for several months and my ideal rig is ever changing. i will not buy a single item until i've made up my mind on the entirety of my rig. consequently, i don't really want your octron... yet

and yes, the gas hurts:o

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perhaps its time to start afresh.

going by the sounds you are after, a good od, distortion, Muff clone, phase 90, wah and delay would suffice

The marshall and TTE take care of distortion and delay requirements.
A Phase 90 is really good for floyd-ish stuff.
Not sure on the Muff clones, altho i heard a clip on here of the ICBM diong some floyd licks. sounded good to me.
Ill PM you re: an overdrive i have for sale

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Thanks Bazaar, that would make a good 80's through present Gilmour rig, but I was going for Gilmours rig from the early days, before Darkside.
Besides, I like the Vibe as opposed to a phasor, I would like to switch my Deja for a Mojo for the expression pedal though.

I will check out the ICBM anyway. How can I resist?

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So, Here is what I am thinking,

Clone my Colorsounds Fuzz, and shelf the pedal for a few years.

Sell the Octron, Buy a Teese.

Sell my Deja-Vibe, get a Mojo.

Sell my Pd-01, and buy a more transparent OD. I am thinking a Timmy or Zendrive, or Barber LTD.

Sell TU-2 get DT-10 or upgrade to strobobstomp.

I don't know what to do about my amp.
I took me a long time to find this one. If I were to switch, it may take forever to pick out something else. I don't even know where to start.

Please don't bombard me with "Sell me your Octron" PM's, I need advice, not offers.

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Have u ever tired putting your tu2 at the start of the signal chain? saves turning off all the other effects to get a decent tuning signal...plus any added nosie from the effecvts can only makeit tune less accurately - i've never had the probs you describe with mine..

Secondly in terms of amp..you could try less efficient speakers... the difference between a greenback and a v30 is something like 6db ( from memory cld be 3)... thus running a 1987 through greenies versus v30s would be the same difference in power as having a 200 watt amp versus a 50 watt amp..

or ever thought about getting an attenuator?

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I say you only live once...go for it...sell whatever you don't feel satisfied with and go for the sound you like.

I'm in the process of doing this myself...and I realised it's all just one decision.

I'm purging all my gear apart from my acoustic, my ad900 delay and my zvex super duper.

as time goes by I need different sounds, and this is the only way to get them...

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Originally posted by KarateSchnitzel

Have u ever tired putting your tu2 at the start of the signal chain?



It even acts weird on its own.



Secondly in terms of amp..you could try less efficient speakers... the difference between a greenback and a v30 is something like 6db ( from memory cld be 3)... thus running a 1987 through greenies versus v30s would be the same difference in power as having a 200 watt amp versus a 50 watt amp..



I am not sure what you mean,

green backs won't sound as loud as the V30's?



or ever thought about getting an attenuator?



I have a Hot plate, and the amp is still too loud with the Hot Plate.

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Originally posted by zhivago

I say you only live once...go for it...sell whatever you don't feel satisfied with and go for the sound you like.

I'm in the process of doing this myself...and I realised it's all just one decision.

I'm purging
my gear apart from my acoustic, my ad900 delay and my zvex super duper.

as time goes by I need different sounds, and this is the only way to get them...



It is just that I cannot try a Teese or a Mojo anywhere around here, and I am hesitant to buy things without hearing them first.

When I do find a place that has something I like, they rarely have a similar amp to mine to try it trhough.

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Originally posted by Jakeowen

It is just that I cannot try a Teese or a Mojo anywhere around here, and I am hesitant to buy things without hearing them first.

When I do find a place that has something I like, they rarely have a similar amp to mine to try it trhough.

that is indeed a problem...I've gone through so many pedals in the past few years...

I guess sometimes it's trial and error :(

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