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Hey you guys, what do you think about this?? Do you have one of this? is it easy to work with? Has enough balls for the stage? Does it seems "tubey" or seems like a f*cking solid state sh*t?? I am interested on it, but i need your experienced opinion before buy... And what about the competitors? (like the GT-8, POD, GNX4).... see all the GNX3000 specs here

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My take on multifx -

Each one has some vey good sounds, some OK-average sounds, some {censored}ty sounds, and maybe one great sound.

If it was a pedlaboard, you could replace the {censored}ty sounds and even inprove on the OK-average sounds, maybe get everything up to very good, and someday, someday make it all great.

But with a multi, you are stuck with the {censored}ty and OK-average.

And it may just be that your amp or guitar don't get along with some of the sounds on the multi.

No matter how "hot" the hype about a new pedal, there's always somebody who tries it and is unhappy. Many times it's because that pedal doesn't do well with certain amps or guitars.

A multi is always a compromise.

But it sure is easy to set up and breakdown at a gig. And it sure is a royal pain if the whole thing shuts down on you at the same rig.


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I have GT8, XTLive, V-Amp Pro, and the GNX3000. I have had ToneLab SE (3x), and the GNX4... as well as a few others.

At this point, the GNX3K is probably the best as far as realistic preamp and cabinet modeling. It sounds authentic and the dynamics you get with pick attack and volume variations are great.

I've spent a LOT of time with these products and I believe the GNX3K to be setting the next "standard" as far as quality, authentic feel, and sound of modeled preamps and cabinets. Some folks will no doubt disagree... but in doing direct A/B testing - I'm pretty convinced.

It is NOT as flexible as the GT8. But the FX Chain is set up in a good and functional manner.

Out of the box, it doesn't have as many preamp models as the XTLive (but the SuperModel pack is coming for it that contains a huge library of preamp models via the GNX Warp technology).

It does not have SPDIF output for recording like the VAP or GT8. It uses USB to PC like the XTL.

The Patch editing software is good. Very easy to work with.

The drum machine is good too. Love it. No other modeler has that particular feature.

That's my findings thus far. I'm going to do a full blown head to head on the mainstream modelers soon... check the site for other info.

It does matter how you amplify these. IMHO, an FRFR rig is best.

Rock on!

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Kewlpack - i've found your post very good, i think it helped me to choose. Well, i am not new in what concerns to effects, i've had other multieffects at the past, but now i want something "new" and definetly, i think i'll go for the GNX3000... because as you say it has the most realistic amp simulations, has a comprehensive set of in/out and a good drum to practice at home... sure it will set a new standard in the medium-priced multieffects... (not comparing with the eventides and things like that...)...


I have read that the firmware 1.0 of GNX3000 has somekind of a bug with the noise gate... is that true Kewlpack? Does yours have that problem?

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I have read that the firmware 1.0 of GNX3000 has somekind of a bug with the noise gate... is that true Kewlpack? Does yours have that problem?

I haven't noticed any problems with the noise gate at all. I don't know what version of firmware the unit has installed. I suppose I should check! :)

The noise gate works quite well (I was even thinking about that the last few days).

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the podxt live is easyto edit with the software its fast..same with the tonelab se....i never liked the chap look of the digitechs and the lousey resale value. I will have to get one now an goof around with it. damn!!! another 400.00 out the window!!!!
i too am excite about the zoom unit an hope its decent....

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