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modmax phaser, cc2 provibe & moog murf clips/reviews please!


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I have had all three. I still have the MuRF.

Details -

The ProVibe section of the CC2 sounds great.The ECS is neat. The Depth range on the model I had was weird - all the "action" took place in a very small portion of the pot travel. I understand Dave has changed this pot in later models to spread out the effective zone. The Fuzz was good, but I prefer my Bent pedal. The Octave was good, but I don't use Octavia effects very often. I'm not a lead player. Dave Fox is. The CC2 is excellent for lead players. i actually prefer the voicing of my Voodoo Vibe. It's a bit brighter.

The ModMax Phasor is tweaker city. But like a lot of pedals with lots of controls, it's not easy to find that great setting the second time around. The EF options are very cool - speed up OR slow down the rate with playing dynamics. But, it's noisy in a lot of settings. I had this one twice and you probably can get it for about $250, since I did, twice.

The MuRF is not noisy, it is also subject to the "where was that setting?" problem. But almost every setting I find, I love. I have only dipped my toe in the expression pedal control options. Big fun. :D

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I expanded my answer.

In the sense that you can get asymmetrical waves with the MuRF, it can do some vibe-like stuff, but crank the Envelope all the way CW and you can get reverse vibe!

Not quite, but it sounds cool.

No, the MuRF is not a Vibe clone. It does put movement into your sound like a Vibe does, but it's different.

I'll look for some clips.

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