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Delay/Echo opinions sought


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I'm lusting for either a Boss DD-20 or a Line 6 DL-4. Is there much difference? Is there something to avoid, like the older ones had flaws or something? Should I look for a particular printface like block logo or script? Is there something better out there in that price range?


I also lust for a Deluxe Memory Man but the Boss and Line-6 have so many more features.


I currently have an old blue Digitech POS 2000 (POS, now what could that stand for?) Its pretty good but if you mess with the settings its hard to get them back. I mostly use it on one gentle setting and leave it there.


I'd like to take a song out into outer space and bing it back to Earth while playing at the same time. Are either of these easy to tweak with your feet?

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Guest Anonymous

You mean PDS 2000?

Only think POS about those digitech's is the god foresaken switches after a while... other than that... I love those old PDS pedals.

Anyhow... I'll leave the whole DD-20 vs. DL4 mayhem to everyone else.

I've had a lot of experience with the DL4 and it was nice, but I've also heard a lot of really good things about the DD-20.

Personally in the end all I need is a Boss DD-3 and Maxon AD-999.



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well...the DL 4 definitely has the easier tap tempo function.

it's easy to take your song to space and back quickly with both.

the DL4 also has the optional foot controller that can control any parameter, like delay time and repeats, which means you could be doing a nice 300ms return for thickness at one point, step on the expression pedal and send the delay to an over powering 100% signal feedback loop, and then swing right back to the normal sound by pulling the pedal back to its original position.

something like that?

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Personally, i've been using the DL-4 for a while now... and i've used my friend's DD-20 before too. I prefer the DL-4 just a lil bit more. I find that the on certain settings, the DL-4 is more convincing sounding than the DD-20, like on tube echo sim, or even the auto volume (which makes a GREAT string synth sound to boot...) as well as the modulated delay. Plus, having three individual switches for each preset is pretty cool... but not as much as the Boss' 5 presets. There's also a nice tap tempo switch anyways. to top it all off, there's that nice looper in the DL-4 that is really easier to use than the Boss'. also, the DL-4 has STEREO inputs AND outputs, for whatever use u may find for them... but the Boss doesn't (correct me if i'm wrong....) yup.

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Hmmm, well first off the best spacey sounds are going to be had with an analog unit or tape unit, such as the DMM or a Space Echo. From my admittedly limited experience with the DL-4 and DD-20, spacey sounds can certainly be obtained, but they aren't going to have the warmth and complexity of an analog unit.

Have you looked at the Diamond Memory Lane? Its an analog delay with a tap tempo function (the only analog delay I know of with this) and it also has support for an expression pedal to control feedback levels, which I can imagine would allow you to take it into outer space and back with excellent results.

Of course, DML's are twice the price of any of the above mentioned delays and probably can't be picked up at the local guitar store, and also won't have near as many features as the DL-4 or DD-20.

If you want variety and versatility, do a side by side of the DL-4 and DD-20 and pick the one that works best for you. If you can afford it and all you want is self-oscillating madness go for the Memory Lane, or try and figure out a way to control the feedback of a DMM with your toes or how to rig up an expression pedal for it.

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Originally posted by sonaboy


Our world is changing. We lost our war in Indochina because we failed to learn about the people we sought to lead. It's natural, therefore - correct, even - that they should resent us. How could they do otherwise, when we refused to treat them like fellow human beings?


By practicing what Jesus taught to "love your enemies".

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I have a DD-20 and it's an incredible unit. I highly recommend it. You should definitely check out the user reviews here on Harmony Central. There are a ton of them for the DD-20 and the DL-4. I've heard lots of good things about the DL-4, but also complaints about reliability. But I haven't owned one, so I can't speak from experience on this. Also, by the way, the DD-20 DOES have stereo in and outs, as discussed in an earlier post.

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It depends on what you're looking for: options or tone?

If you want options, then go for either DL4 or DD20, but if you want a nice tone: Memory Man is the way to go.

I'm not a huge delay user, but I tried a few (including the DL4). They're pretty nice, and have lots of options, but it was when I tried my firends Del. MM that I realised why people LOVE delay. That box is amazing. Made my rig sound better! I found all the other digital pedals took a bit of charm away...

but it's all personal tast :thu:
(I love these new smilies)

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Originally posted by shinobimilton

There's also a nice tap tempo switch anyways. to top it all off, there's that nice looper in the DL-4 that is really easier to use than the Boss'. also, the DL-4 has STEREO inputs AND outputs, for whatever use u may find for them... but the Boss doesn't (correct me if i'm wrong....) yup.



I use my stereo in/out jacks on my DL4 - i split my signal into stereo at my DD5 at the front of the chain.

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Originally posted by couchjammer

Our world is changing. We lost our war in Indochina because we failed to learn about the people we sought to lead. It's natural, therefore - correct, even - that they should resent us. How could they do otherwise, when we refused to treat them like fellow human beings?

By practicing what Jesus taught to "love your enemies".



Tell that to the dicks in charge.

they can't seem to learn from history.

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