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guitars are the same.


Going to move most the dirt off. Keeping the Fuzz Factory, adding a Tube Zone, BB deluxe on release (perhaps), possibly the 2 MI Audio fuzzes, SHO stays as a sparkle boost.


Tossing up whether to replace the RMC2 with a wah probe...probably not.


Modulation: Red Witch Medusa, Moon Phaser, possibly Pentavocal to replace vibutron (i feel bad dropping the frantone's. They have been great pedals). Plus a Sib Mr Echo.


Amp-Sherlock Vintage 30. 3 12AX7 Fender based pre-amp section, quad EL84 power amp section with 5ar4 tube rectifier.

2 spring Accutronics reverb unit with tube driver and tube recovery circuit

Footswitchable reverb with (get this!) a 9v power supply built into the footswitch that will power as many 9v pedals as one would like....I currently have a sherlock power supply and it is awesome!

Celestion Greenback speakers. POint to Point class A construction.....


Im very excited about this amp.

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About to. Just waiting on confirmation of the sale of the Deville.

2-3 month wait. I can just pull the solid-state marshall out for that time.

I was going to get a BJ extreme reverb, but the footswitch with reverb and a power supply is too awesome.

Plus a quad El84/quad 12AX7 amp is exactly what i was looking for.

$2500 is a damn good price too.

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