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tonights gig


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Now, I took all my gear, but thats just me. but the drummer was told that there would be a kit for him. Needless to say, the drummer whose kit it was wouldn't let him use the snare or cymbals. Which is his prerogative, but I hate that kind of bull{censored}.


Anyway, another drummer let him use them. We played quite well. The Top Fuel works beautifully in a live setting.

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Originally posted by riffdaddy

I never understood that mentality. If somebody can play, let 'em use your stuff! It isn't like you're actually gonna be successful in keeping them in mint condition. What's to be worried about?



Like the time I saw this "guitarist" use another guy's Strat 'cause he broke a string & didn't have a 2nd guitar with him (youngn's you know) and this a**hole went into this whole "Jimi" thing trying to play the guitar behind his head. He dropped this guy's Strat and the neck snapped right off. "What's to be worried about" you say?

NO ONE ever touches my stuff. EVER!

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Originally posted by FLYING V 83

Like the time I saw this "guitarist" use another guy's Strat 'cause he broke a string & didn't have a 2nd guitar with him (youngn's you know) and this a**hole went into this whole "Jimi" thing trying to play the guitar behind his head. He dropped this guy's Strat and the neck snapped right off. "What's to be worried about" you say?

NO ONE ever touches my stuff. EVER!



I'll let anyone use my amps, but not my guitars. Thats understood by most guitarists isn't it? Drummers are different though. Thay always use each others gear.

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Originally posted by FLYING V 83

Like the time I saw this "guitarist" use another guy's Strat 'cause he broke a string & didn't have a 2nd guitar with him (youngn's you know) and this a**hole went into this whole "Jimi" thing trying to play the guitar behind his head. He dropped this guy's Strat and the neck snapped right off. "What's to be worried about" you say?

NO ONE ever touches my stuff. EVER!



I would tend to agree with FLYING V...I will let someone use my amp if I have a chance to talk to them before and get a sense of where their head is...but my pedals and guitar are off-limits unless its someone I already know beforehand like a friend from another band or something. But just some stranger at the show? No {censored}ing way...Good luck at getting Joe Dumbass to pay for something he breaks when you don't know him from Adam.

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Originally posted by incubass

I would tend to agree with FLYING V...I will let someone use my amp if I have a chance to talk to them before and get a sense of where their head is...but my pedals and guitar are off-limits unless its someone I already know beforehand like a friend from another band or something. But just some stranger at the show? No {censored}ing way...Good luck at getting Joe Dumbass to pay for something he breaks when you don't know him from Adam.



If someone breaks something of mine, rest assured they will pay up.

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Drummers bring their own breakables (cymbals, snare, pedal). It's the unspoken rule. Otherwise some Dave Grohl wannabe comes in trying to play that QOTS song and punches holes in everything.

I'll hesitantly lend anything to another guitarist. Amp isn't so bad, pedals are pushing it, and guitars, well, I'm left handed so not many takers there. But I do seem to be the only guitarist in the world with spare strings.

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Originally posted by Lanefair

Drummers bring their own breakables (cymbals, snare, pedal). It's the unspoken rule.



I told him that. I mean, I took everything I needed, why couldn't he? That siad, the other drummer was right prick about it.

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Originally posted by Lanefair

Drummers bring their own breakables (cymbals, snare, pedal). It's the unspoken rule. Otherwise some Dave Grohl wannabe comes in trying to play that QOTS song and punches holes in everything.

I'll hesitantly lend anything to another guitarist. Amp isn't so bad, pedals are pushing it, and guitars, well, I'm left handed so not many takers there. But I do seem to be the only guitarist in the world with spare strings.





I see that all the time at the festival gigs we play.

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Yeah snare and cymbals are always your own. Never seen it done differently and I have been working live sound for 15+ years. As to sharing, if the other guy seems together then yeah share, but if they get out of hand, I will clamp down on them. That strat trashing is something that should never happen.

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