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Crap!! I so wanted this!


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Originally posted by MrSage

That sucks.

That guy gets all the hot buy it now deals, so he probably paid like $40 shipped for it.

Hello guy with a fast trigger finger!


??? "That guy gets all the hot buy it now deals, so he probably paid like $40 shipped for it.???"

:wave: Hi MrSage! Who/what is 'That guy gets all the hot buy it now deals'??? :confused:

If you mean he snaked me on that one, yep indeed, he snaked me. :cry:

Ok that. Get me hot buy one time Bosstone Jordan Fuzz one day maybe soon. ;)

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Originally posted by MrSage

No...the seller, mojoa, snags a lot of sweet deals.

He buys stuff cheap and then resells (often, he resells a few months later for fairly cheap...I've bought off him before).

Oh! I'll have to keep an eye out for that one. Thanks! :wave:

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