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The Bad Monkey OD pedal is really good except..................


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The Bad Monkey OD pedal is really good except..................


It's a hissy/noisy little orangutan! I find that the pedal is pretty dark sounding so the treble has to be set high and that's where most of the trouble starts.


I generally put the drive knob between two and three o'clock. The background hiss is worse than most OD pedals that I own, and I own quite a few. I can bring the hiss down by rolling back either the Drive or Treble knob, or both but then I'm not really getting the tone that I'm looking for.


I can live with the hiss but that's the one shortfall for this otherwise fine pedal. Has anybody else noticed this problem with their Bad Monkey?

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Originally posted by Humbucker

I can live with the hiss but that's the one shortfall for this otherwise fine pedal. Has anybody else noticed this problem with their Bad Monkey?



It's a bit noisy with single coils for me, but I don't keep the treble too high, as my amp is pretty bright on its own. I use it too boost my leads and darken them up a bit.


For $30, I'd say it's a pretty sweet pedal. I don't find it any noisier than an SD-1.

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With the drive knob turned fairly high, it gets a bit noisy with my P-90 equipped guitar. But I almost always have the drive rolled completely off, and the level cranked instead. It really slams the preamp tube for some nice overdrive. And there's very little noise that way, even with some bass and treble boost dialed in.

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Mine isn't noisy at all. I used it just last night with my Strat (first time - I usually use it with my LP) and had the level at 10:00 and gain at 2:00 - sounded nice. I like it alot because I find it easy to dial in what I want and it doesn't really color my sound - it kicks up the frequencies I want kicked up and adds plenty of punch and OD. My Rivera responds nicely to it with the amp boost on and gain up around mid way on my clean channel.

Good set up for me. Mine's an original unit too.

I've bought lots of crap - and I mean crap - over the years and this box has been a pleasant surprise all around.

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