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OT: Weird situation with paypal. Possible fraud. Yall tell me what you think.


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Ok so this guy used buy it now to purchase my xbox on ebay. He sent me an email stating that he works for a church in england and he wants to send the xbox to his son in Nigeria. He says he wants to use his fedex account to ship the xbox and he wants me to give him my address so fedex can come to my house and pick up the package. He wanted to send me the money through paypal and not use the ebay check out procedure. Its been 4 days and I still have not seen a payment or a conformation email for anything. He keeps telling me that he has paid and that he recieved the conformation email. The whole time he has been really pushy and telling me that things need to be done now, that he is in a big hurry to get the xbox to his son. Today he forwarded me the conformation email. It said:


You've got cash!

Dear Seller,

Mr Benne Bush, just sent you money with PayPal.


Mr Benne Bush, is a Verified buyer.


Payment Details

Ebay item: 8230886037

Amount: $180.00 USD

Transaction ID: 34B 2410 9N5 7045 20H



This PayPal

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Originally posted by Redfox777

Ok so this guy used buy it now to purchase my xbox on ebay. He sent me an email stating that he works for a church in england and he wants to send the xbox to his son in Nigeria. He says he wants to use his fedex account to ship the xbox and he wants me to give him my address so fedex can come to my house and pick up the package. He wanted to send me the money through paypal and not use the ebay check out procedure. Its been 4 days and I still have not seen a payment or a conformation email for anything. He keeps telling me that he has paid and that he recieved the conformation email. The whole time he has been really pushy and telling me that things need to be done now, that he is in a big hurry to get the xbox to his son. Today he forwarded me the conformation email. It said:

You've got cash!

Dear Seller,

Mr Benne Bush, just sent you money with PayPal.

Mr Benne Bush, is a Verified buyer.

Payment Details

Ebay item: 8230886037

Amount: $180.00 USD

Transaction ID: 34B 2410 9N5 7045 20H


This PayPal

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Well it obviously seems like a scam. What do you see when you log into PayPal? Is the money in your account? If not, there's your answer.

I do remember once a mix up with a wrong email address. I can't remember if it was something I paid for, or somebody paid me and used the wrong email. Anyway, the money sat there uclaimed - eventually we worked it out.

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His English is freaking weird. Here are some of the exerpts from his emails (this guy is supposedly from alabama) :

"Compliment of the season to you" (who the hell says this)

"Expecting your reply so as to immediately make out my payment for this item purchase."

"I got paypal comfirmation mail
check your paypal account to comfirm very well."

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Originally posted by lowroadrevival

Signal number one...NIGERIA. Total fraud. Number two, he can send you or forward you any bull{censored} fake official lookign email he wants. If the money aint in your account, don't send anything!!!

Scam bro. here:


Love that place.
We get people "buying" all the expensive stuff every week. We email them and tell them to F##k off every week.
Feel the love!


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His story claims he is in England: Hello,
Compliment of the season to you. I am Benne Bush from Alabama (USA).But Presently i am leading a conventional church program in London. I saw your item advert on ebay() and i'm interested in buying it for my son who is studying a Computer Science Course in the University of Lagos (Nigeria) and i will handle the shipment expenses.I will send you my personal fedex account number after the payment so that you can ship the item to her without paying any shipment fee. I will be sending you payment via PayPal,So kindly send me your (PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS) so as to immediately make out my payment to you. Make sure you get the package ready for immediate or next day shipment okay?.You can ship the item as soon as you receive the paypal confirmation mail. Expecting your reply so as to immediately make out my payment for this item purchase.Mail me back it's urgent.
Benne Bush

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Originally posted by Redfox777

His story claims he is in England: Hello,

Compliment of the season to you. I am Benne Bush from Alabama (USA).But Presently i am leading a conventional church program in London. I saw your item advert on ebay() and i'm interested in buying it for my son who is studying a Computer Science Course in the University of Lagos (Nigeria) and i will handle the shipment expenses.I will send you my personal fedex account number after the payment so that you can ship the item to her without paying any shipment fee. I will be sending you payment via PayPal,So kindly send me your (PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS) so as to immediately make out my payment to you. Make sure you get the package ready for immediate or next day shipment okay?.You can ship the item as soon as you receive the paypal confirmation mail. Expecting your reply so as to immediately make out my payment for this item purchase.Mail me back it's urgent.


Benne Bush


Did you spot this?

"Buying it for my Son....And yet....."so that you can ship the item to her!"


He is confused!



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Originally posted by Redfox777

yeah i did notice it

i wonder if this address exists

benne bush

30221 county road

Headland, AL 36345 United States


Probably as legit as his PayPal account!


Ask him for a phone number.....That is always good for a laugh!

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Originally posted by Redfox777

Just out of curiousity. Has anyone ever had to enter a tracking number to get thier money through paypal?

News to me.
Just keep playing along, it is fun soomedays.
They must think we are awful dumb over here!

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Ohh wow thats interesting. I can see how, with someone who doesnt know paypal well, he might get away with this. His story has always felt a little weird to me but i was gonna give him the benifit of the doubt. After seeing that im done with it. Im gonna relist my item and then if money does come ill just send it back. I really need to sell the xbox as the xbox 360 is coming very soon. Yall think its ok for me to relist?

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Originally posted by Redfox777

Indeed. I really want to screw with this guy now.....got any ideas?!?!

Just play along BUT, play dumb....He will waste so much of his tiime trying to screw you!
Insult him and suggest it is a Nigerian scam, always a good wind up!


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