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How do you get your rig geeked? (like guitar geek pictures)


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I have seen people that have pictures of rigs like the guitar geek pictures. Is there a program that does that or is it a website? Do you have to pay? Looks like it would be pretty fun to do if you did it yourself. Yall let me know.


In case you have no clue what I am talking about here is an example.


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The problem is finding lil pics of your exact gear. Ie finding a peavy classic 50 amp or your weird little boutique pedal...Ive actually seen some on guitargeek forums that have catalinbread pedals and other boutique stuff in the pictures.

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My brother did this on here with his rig(s) a few years back, so I just shot him an email, thinking that there was some easy way to do it. This was his reply:

There wasn't a function on the site to do it, so I just copied people's rigs into MS Paint, cropped out the parts that I wanted, and copied those into another document.

Hope that helps!

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I made some geek things in photoshop by modifying some existing geek things and pasting them together, changing the knobs around, colors, etc... they looked pretty good.
I think I had a FoxRox Captain Coconut I made and my Peavey CSR-2 compressor...if I can find them, I'll post them.


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