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SINGER WANTED in Boston (Botch, Cave In, VOD, Isis)


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Originally posted by preservation



(i just stepped in GLASS)




I like to think this is your way of saying "this is an effects forum... go away"

back to the funny picture thread!!

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Originally posted by rydia_is_hot

how's the music scene there? i know that cave in, converge, and unearth have roots there (don't listen to unearth)...

i may be moving up there at the end of next summer. not that that would help you with regards to a singer, just wanted to ask about the music life, haha. thanks-



Great scene, plenty of places to play, pretty easy to get gigs, lots of good bands to see. Can be tough to find really good musicians, but that's the same anywhere.

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Originally posted by JayCal

Great scene, plenty of places to play, pretty easy to get gigs, lots of good bands to see. Can be tough to find really good musicians, but that's the same anywhere.



Being a Berklee student, my experience has been close to the inverse of yours; lots of great musicians, no one I really want to play with; easy to get gigs, hard to get a crowd; no camraderie amongst bands. Interesting, I'd say.

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I'd agree with "hard to get a crowd." There's a lot to do in this town, people have a lot of choices, it can be tough to get them to a heavy rock show. Especially since so many people here embrace pop or indie music so much.

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did you happen to post this in craiglist as well?...I think I was looking at your add a little bit eariler. My experience thus far was that it's not hard to find musicians, but finding a good fit for whatever project you're pursuing and one that won't flake on you is another story altogether.

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Originally posted by digital

liked the previous singer.. maybe a bit rougher would have been nice... he has a good throat for sure...

excellent drumming on the "recur" song...

good luck..



Hey, thanks man. Two people from Oma are in this new band - me (guitar) and the drummer.

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Originally posted by JayCal

The chugga/double bass thing, or the whole middle part after that?



The chugga part. IMO, its awkward in the context of the rest of the song. You're going from thick, cerebral, very cool voicings with suspensions and dissonance in your chords to a weak breakdown. If this is just to satisfy the floorpunchers, you're doing a disservice to the tune. If you genuinely like these in your tunes, than I guess go for it!


As a whole, I think the song is really cool, and the riffs are killer, but it suffers from that first chug breakdown.

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Originally posted by converge

The chugga part. IMO, its awkward in the context of the rest of the song. You're going from thick, cerebral, very cool voicings with suspensions and dissonance in your chords to a weak breakdown. If this is just to satisfy the floorpunchers, you're doing a disservice to the tune. If you genuinely like these in your tunes, than I guess go for it!

As a whole, I think the song is really cool, and the riffs are killer, but it suffers from that first chug breakdown.



Thanks for the feedback, man, I honestly appreciate it!

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