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Trey on Conan tonight


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You East coasters either don't care, missed it, or both.


I'm a little worried though... I suppose he is going to play his single/video tune, which, while not awful, is just so VHI / veteran musician looking for mainstream acceptance junk.





But, it's a free country, and I'll keep positive.

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Originally posted by gr8fuldodd

well, my fears were warranted.

where's Phishmarisol when I need him?

have I ever needed him?

well, now I do


Sorry, I was at a Perpetual Groove show last night, and also I don't get any reception on my TV...it's just for watching DVDs.

As for Trey's new stuff I dig it. Not the best stuff but it's a solid pop album I think.

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I have recently become a huge phish fan. I had "Billy breathes" and was like....take it or leave it. I had really liked Moe. quite a bit more but then i got "a live one" and that is the sickest and i rented the "IT" DVD and them the :live in Las Vegas" DVD and i am like; DAMN that guy is freakin sick! So yeah.......I am starting to dig the trey!

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Originally posted by jimihalen

You to where?


To see Phish live as a band!

gr8fuldodd said "hope you get a chance to see them together live
but, it may be awhile"

then i said; "me to!" as if to say I would really dig the chance to see Phish live for myself and not a video.

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