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I'm gonna pick up one of those too...don't you worry! I'm going through a phase now where I'm trying to buy a few of a certain kind of pedal at a time...like narrowing down trems to say 3 or 4 and then buying them all at once and keeping the one I like the best. Gotta decide on my vibe first, then trem is next...might take a while to get my money right though.

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Originally posted by phishmarisol

I'm gonna pick up one of those too...don't you worry! I'm going through a phase now where I'm trying to buy a few of a certain kind of pedal at a time...like narrowing down trems to say 3 or 4 and then buying them all at once and keeping the one I like the best. Gotta decide on my vibe first, then trem is next...might take a while to get my money right though.



i've been there before! my two fav trems are the swamp thang and the semaphore. i will never own fulltone ever.


have you seen the Retroman Vibe, i think its cool. http://www.retroman-music.com/images/UBERVIBE1.JPG

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Originally posted by Elliott Damage

both. his products are clones and he's an asshole. The supa trem is a tweaked clone of the Demeter Tremolo.

Hmm...I'll have to check that one out too! Lots of trems out there. It's funny cause the first bad thing I heard about him was with that whole deleting of the reviews debacle and I decided I wouldn't support him. After I heard the Supa last night I was like "oh well, not like he ran over my dog" :thu:

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Oh, and, I've owned a supa trem. I'm a big fan of tremolo, and like something about almost all the trem pedals I've owned, but the Cusack piece is really something special.

I a/b'd the supa trem against the (relatively lowly) voodoo lab trem, and fulltone has nothing to be proud of.

My all-time fave tremolo is the voodoo vibe, but chop is not it's strength. Plus it's a lot of money.

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