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o/t computer help?


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I've been having trouble with my laptop shutting down out of the blue. Until tonight I hadn't been able to determine any regularity in the shut downs. After reading ub2slim's trojan thread, I went to try and see if my system was infected. Now my computer shuts down when I go to safe mode, and when I run spyware doctor in regular mode. Is there any chance that this is a software problem?


What should I do?

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Hiya. There's a really good chance this is a software problem. I don't know a lot about viruses and other naughty bits of code, but I think a lot of them are calculated to keep you from removing them. If your computer turns off when you run anti-spyware software, it's a pretty bad sign.

One option is to get different antivirus and spyware software. I use AVG and spysweeper, mainly cause they don't cause problems of their own. (There is a chance your spyware software is just corrupted. A switch would tell you that too.)

What I would do is wipe the drive, reinstall the OS from the disk image I carefully prepared when I first got everything up and running, install new AV/spyware software, and then reinstall my backup from last night's automatic backup. But, if you haven't been burned before and therefore don't have disk images and daily backups, this is kind of a pain in the ass.

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Originally posted by bobby yarrow

Hiya. There's a really good chance this is a software problem. I don't know a lot about viruses and other naughty bits of code, but I think a lot of them are calculated to keep you from removing them. If your computer turns off when you run anti-spyware software, it's a pretty bad sign.

One option is to get different antivirus and spyware software. I use AVG and spysweeper, mainly cause they don't cause problems of their own. (There is a chance your spyware software is just corrupted. A switch would tell you that too.)

What I would do is wipe the drive, reinstall the OS from the disk image I carefully prepared when I first got everything up and running, install new AV/spyware software, and then reinstall my backup from last night's automatic backup. But, if you haven't been burned before and therefore don't have disk images and daily backups, this is kind of a pain in the ass.

hehehe, if I resort to it, this will have been the first time the scorched earth policy has been neccessary...so I don't have a very current backup. But I do have system restore disks, and it wouldn't be all that difficult to save all my important stuff to one or two dvd's. Thanks for responding and giving me hope.

You are my lucky star. :love:

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I somehow feel you 'shine on me whereever you are.' Especially if I'm in my basement . . .

Anyhow. I wouldnt fiddle-faddle with system restore, if that's what you're talking about. Boot to a floppy. At the "a:" prompt, type "Format: C". Now that's entertainment!

If you don't currently have spysweeper, maybe buy it and run it first. It's cheap, and you're going to have to buy it after the reformat anyway. (The naughty bit will follow your data back to the computer otherwise.)

Ok, so here's what I'd actually do. First, uninstall any Norton antivirus product you have on your computer; those {censored}ers do weird things. While your at it, uninstall any other wierd software, especially antivirus software. Second, turn off all power management in the control panel. Assuming that the problem still exists, buy and install spysweeper and avg antivirus. Run yer sweeps. If these non-heroic measures don't fix the problem, reformat the HD.

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Here is what you do - this is likely a hardware/driver problem not a software or virus....

What you do is this:
** Go to Control Panel
** Click on System
** Click the "Advanced Tab"
** Click on "Settings" Under "Startup & Recovery"

UNCHECK - Automaticall Restart under the "System Failure" section....

What this will do is give you a "Blue Screen of Death" instead of a reboot....When you get the BSOD - make a notation of the problem.....You can either report back here, pm me or do a search on the internet of the resulting problem......

Likely you have a corrupted driver or hardware conflict that only happens when certain things try to run simultaneously....

I am not saying that it couldnt be a software/virus problem - but highly, highly unlikely.....This is what happen when hardware/drivers go bad....

If I had to guess - I would say its memory related.....either gone bad or overclocked.....


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Originally posted by Lorax


Here is what you do - this is likely a hardware/driver problem not a software or virus....

What you do is this:

** Go to Control Panel

** Click on System

** Click the "Advanced Tab"

** Click on "Settings" Under "Startup & Recovery"

UNCHECK - Automaticall Restart under the "System Failure" section....

What this will do is give you a "Blue Screen of Death" instead of a reboot....When you get the BSOD - make a notation of the problem.....You can either report back here, pm me or do a search on the internet of the resulting problem......

Likely you have a corrupted driver or hardware conflict that only happens when certain things try to run simultaneously....

I am not saying that it couldnt be a software/virus problem - but highly, highly unlikely.....This is what happen when hardware/drivers go bad....

If I had to guess - I would say its memory related.....either gone bad or overclocked.....






I'll do this...but it doesn't reboot. the power shuts all the way off.

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