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keeley george lynch time machine boost?


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I hate to disagree with a "Hall of Fame Member" but the Time Machine Boost is completely different animal. I know one of the designers who worked with Mr Keeley on it, his name is David Szabados.


Here's a link to his site where he describes the GL TMB.




also check out Dave's great site:




Hope this helps, -Barry :thu:

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The GL Time Machine Boost is different than both the Java and Katana. The GL TMB boost has enough gain to that of an overdrive, but the feel is completely different. The pedal will not change the characteristics of amp when used on the clean boost side. The scray mode will add extra grit and bite. I use this w/ my shiva and it sounds great. This pedal really brings out the dynamics of your playing and amp.


As mentioned above David Szabados was one of the designers that worked on this w/ Keeley. I've had the opportunity to talk to David w/ regard to tone issues I was having. At that time I was playing through a modded JCM 800. David took the time to assist me w/ setting my EQ on the amp and a keeley modded SD-1. His recommendations were right on the money. When I contacted him my interest was to purchase the GL TMB and I wanted info on it. He took the time to find out what I was looking for and if I could get that w/ the gear I already had. Sorry for the rant, but you got to give a huge thumbs up to guys like David Szabados. :thu:

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