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Triton Le,Juno G


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Well, yes.I'm here again.


You know the drill... Triton Le or Roland Juno G?


You think I should trade my LE for a Roland Juno-G?

(And please don't tell me to keeget either of them and get a fusion or anything else).


Juno-G has over the Triton LE:

- 128 polyphony.

- 4 audio recroding tracks.



Triton Le has over Juno-G:

- Sampling option

-There was another thing, but I kinda forgot it.


Whar would you say?

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Oh I remembered. The LE has aftertouch and the Juno-G doesn't.


Well, As a Progressive rock Metal band's membmer, I mostly need strings, piano, organs and leads (our main thing is probably leads).... Besides, since I have the Triton Le, I started to become interested in all of these lovely pads, and synth programs.


The Juno-G does have better piano then the Triton Le's preset piano, but I created a new piano program, which is good,though I would probably be able to make a better one using the Juno-G. (After saying my band that I'm considering buying an electric piano for our piano parts, they said I shouldn't and that the piano is great on the LE.... The piano here is enough for me, for gigging....).

Organs- with all the respect, I couldn't see much of a difference in Organs between the Juno's and the Triton's, and actualyl also the Motif's.... I even tried the software Native Instruments B4 ||, which supposes to make good organs, and couldn't feel the difference with my Triton's organs....

Strings were ok in the Juno's, I guess a bit better then my Triton's.

Like the EP's better on my triton's.

Guitars were better on the Juno's (of course when I say better I mean more realistic)

Drums were better on my Triton's.

Leads, and all synth-like sounds on the Juno-G, were not good for me, and those are my main instruments...


There's something nice about the Roland's programs (or patches), that sounds good. I think they are the best (from the other big 2 - korg, yamaha) in doing realistic sounds, although yamaha's piano is better...

But, the korg's instruments are also reaslistic... (Let me say, that Realizm is in the eye of the beholder.... A violin can be different in each person's imagination..), and when I bought a synth, I wasn't looking for reaslistic sounds.

I didn't like Roland's sounds. TOO realistic for me.

Audio recording is quite nice, but ill have to leave without it.

I actualyl thought at the beginning that the Juno -G was analog!

(you must agree that it looks like the original Juno's...).

Nevermind then... Ill stick with my Le.


My next purchase will be the Triton Extreme (after ill sell my LE), and Ill probably make it when in 2-4 years...


Thanks. No more VS threads from me.

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Hmm.. could be a good idea....Getting a used Juno 106.

But how about the Juno-6? Less expensive, I believe.


Budget is an issue here, though Getting the Triton extreme, won't help it... It's quite expensive, you know.. especially here.. (2500-3000$ for the 61 version, though I already saw someone sell it - used of course- for 1900$, and I plan to buy it in 2-4 years, so it'll be cheaper). Getting a Used Juno-106, or any other similars (I personally thought of the Yamaha DX-7 which I can get for 225$, or the Korg DW-8000 - 170$....), would probably be cheaper....

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