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Guitar Stores in Buffalo?


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I'm going on a business trip to Buffalo tomorrow, and will be there most of the week. I'll be busy days, but might have some free time to check out a shop or two. Any stores w/ good stuff to hit up? Any other cool places (bars, restaurants?) I'm looking for some place that might have a cool used pedal or two and some cool guit's.

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too bad your not heading up to rochester.. you could visit the house of guitars and play in their effects closest, fun stuff in there and they've got loads of vintage guitars and amps... worth checking out if you've got a day off and can drive up there :)

the selection in buffalo isn't great... it's actually pretty bad. you've got guitar center of course and a bunch of shops that carry the same stuff boss/digitech type {censored} like jackson (great new selection for guitars and amps though), airport, guitar factory, u-crest, music xchange... the best places for a chance of finding something decent will be main music across from the university of buffalo on main street (small vintage selection, good new guitars like Rickenbacker, G&L, etc.. some used pedals once in a while too) twin village music in lancaster (fender fender fender and lots of EHX pedals) and then there's top shelf which has some interesting vintage stuff once in a while but they're only open one or two days a week so good luck there

thats about it i'm afraid... big part of the reason i'd like to open a small shop here ;)

food wise there are loads of decent places to eat around here.. depends on what you're after and where you're located

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Originally posted by (((echo)))

me too.. now that we've got free sbarro i never get franco's or bocce's and we just moved right down the {censored}ing street!

hehehehe, I've seriously lost 10-15 lbs since I moved back home. I ate Franco's about 3 times a week. That was some great, cheap pizza. Too bad the rest of the city is such a {censored}hole. hehehehe.

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Originally posted by pontiusplaymate

hehehehe, I've seriously lost 10-15 lbs since I moved back home. I ate Franco's about 3 times a week. That was some great, cheap pizza. Too bad the rest of the city is such a {censored}hole. hehehehe.

i've gained about that much since moving but it's not the franco's doing me in unfortunately :(

yeah i know how much you love buffalo... at least our failed commuter trains don't smash into one another... they just drive up and down a closed street with no people on them :freak:

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Originally posted by (((echo)))

i've gained about that much since moving but it's not the franco's doing me in unfortunately

yeah i know how much you love buffalo... at least our failed commuter trains don't smash into one another... they just drive up and down a closed street with no people on them

hehehe, I used to work there selling tickets. {censored}ing idiots. The monorail doesn't really count as a commuter train...it's more of a tourist trap. The track is all of one mile long. They just showed people at the seattle center bitching and moning that they were stranded and cold because the monorail was out of commission...it's a {censored}ing mile. Goddam, it's kind of chilly but it ain't Buffalo.

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Originally posted by pontiusplaymate

hehehe, I used to work there selling tickets. {censored}ing idiots. The monorail doesn't really count as a commuter train...it's more of a tourist trap. The track is all of one mile long. They just showed people at the seattle center bitching and moning that they were stranded and cold because the monorail was out of commission...it's a {censored}ing mile. Goddam, it's kind of chilly but it ain't Buffalo.

those poor "tourists"

hey.. i hear i can get free (clean!) electricity in seattle.. just have to tie up or something

btw.. myspace :D

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Originally posted by lowroadrevival

Bzzzzzt. Wrongo.



when i was living in amherst there was also perfetto pizza, but one day they just stopped answering our delivery calls. that was too bad, they had really good pizza.


but seriously, 95% of the pizza i had in buffalo was terrible. when you're actually considering eating Papa John's and Pizza Hut, you know something is wrong.


its 5 years later though, so my opinion may be outdated.

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Originally posted by Help!I'maRock!

when i was living in amherst there was also perfetto pizza, but one day they just stopped answering our delivery calls. that was too bad, they had really good pizza.

but seriously, 95% of the pizza i had in buffalo was terrible. when you're actually considering eating Papa John's and Pizza Hut, you know something is wrong.

its 5 years later though, so my opinion may be outdated.



Dude, there's Just pizza, Mr.pizza, Casa de Pizza, Bocce, santora's, Bozanna's. It goes on and on. Any corner place in any town is decent. Sal's is just psuedo NYC style slop. Nice at 4am, but that's about it for me.

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Originally posted by Help!I'maRock!

it'd certainly be better than the pizza in that town, that's for sure.

man, you're not convincing anyone. I absolutely hate Buffalo. Nothing would make me feel better than being able to say it has NO redeeming qualities (aside from some of the cool people who live there)...but I just can't do it. The Pizza was {censored}ing good. Franco's 4 ever.

On the other hand, I bet (((echo))) has some tastey forearms.

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Originally posted by pontiusplaymate

man, you're not convincing anyone. I absolutely hate Buffalo. Nothing would make me feel better than being able to say it has NO redeeming qualities (aside from some of the cool people who live there)...but I just can't do it. The Pizza was {censored}ing good. Franco's 4 ever.

On the other hand, I bet (((echo))) has some tastey forearms.




it's the freckles..



and yeah franco's pizza is sex

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