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The Appleseed Cast


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My favorite band. I cannot wait for the new album to come out. Very curious to see what difference (if any) the new drummer will have. Cobra just had such a unique style.

They've got a thread on their website where Chris talks about some of the gear they've been using in the studio for the new album.

Every time I put on either of the LLO discs I instantly crave a DL4.

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{censored}ing love them!

saw them about three years ago in a tiny venue here in London...fantastic band, even though Low Level Owl II was a bit pants....

oh...the lost songs CD isn't that good either...

but Mare Vitalis, Ring Wars, LLO I, and two conversations are great :)

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Originally posted by Alexbiscuit

I don't know if 'pants' would be the word I would use to describe that CD, haha.

The end of LLO starting at Steps and Numbers is beautiful.

I love birds of paradise

hehe...ok, I guess I was a bit harsh...the album just feels a bit directionless, while LLO I was a lot more solid.

they should of just gotten the best stuff from the two and make one cd, really :)

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