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Anyone here use a Orange AD-30r?

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well, not necessarily over the Matchless. I really like it, but I wouldn't mind having a less expensive 2x12 amp right now and getting some extra cash.

I'm basically only into EL84 amps and I'm not sure if Reeves makes any of those right now. I've never been interested in Carr amps for some reason. I'm also looking at the Bogner Metropolis 2x12 30 watt amp.

Which Reeves amp are you getting? The Custom 30?

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Yeah I really love the set up of the custom 30. It has exactly the features I want on an amp. The problem is that though the clips sound tremendous there...well....ya know....just clips. I've actually played through a Rambler and it's basically the best Deluxe Reverb ever. So I'm leaning towards the Reeves but the fact I've played the Rambler and love it and am depending on clips of the reeves is bothering me....The Rambler has trem but no boost. And the od on the reeves sounds fantastic. I posed the question on cork sniffer central (tgp) since someone over there is likely to have played both.... The Carr slant 6 is the best 2x12 combo with channel switching I've ever played. It's to much though...The Reeves is just right. I also wonder about "do i really need a friggin 2 grand 1x12 combo?" But I think by the time I sell a bunch of stuff it won't be costing me much....It'll be like a big trade. I'm about $500 there; I still haven't even posted everything I'm going to sell; still weeding stuff out...

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