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keep the moon phaser?

Elliott Damage

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I pulled the Red Witch moon phaser out tonight. It sounded damn good. Moon Phaser plus delay = pure dreamy....


and another question, if I keep it would it be overkill to get a Univibe clone? I already have a Quasar and Moon Phaser.


Its a pretty unique pedal, I'm not that strapped for cash and i've sold alot of stuff I miss. Should I put it back on the board? please help me out on this.

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i could never part with the MP. but then, i said that about my fuzz factory, and Mr Fulton's newest creation has put that up on the block now.

Im looking into a U-vibe clone. possibly the boss RT20. Something less subtle than the MP. Im not a fan of the MP with loads of fuzz, but clean...its bliss. and the delay/phaser thing is cool too.

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Originally posted by Jops

So does that mean the Quasar is as good as the moon phaser? 'Cos if the Quasar is copping MP sounds then at $150 sounds like a good deal...



Quasar is still in the mail. It should be here tomorrow. The quasar may end the debate. If it can do moon phaser and univibe sounds i'll be pleased as punch and will go with that.

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Originally posted by agentcooper2001

the Moon Phaser sounds different than all other phasers I've had. It seems to have more of a wet sound to it. The Quasar is a very cool phaser, but it's way different than the MP. It's more bouncy, vintage sounding and maybe a tad more subtle.



do you still have the moon phaser?

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Originally posted by agentcooper2001

yes, I've had 2. I had the orignal version and then I bought the deluxe version from Non Digital tom a while back. Its really the only modulation pedal I use. I had a univibe clone too at one point but it's silly to have both as the MP gets pretty close to a univibe on some settings.



thats cool. I don't know why i question my rig so much. I got one the week they came out, that was a while back, so i've had it a long time. The Moon Phaser and Quasar hopefully will cover all my modulation needs.

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I hate selling any off my pedals but I think I might have to sell a few in the next couple of weeks, because I can afford having to many pedals I don't use.

If you don't need the money and are happy to have a cupboard full of pedals I would keep it.

Your rarely say I wish I had of sold that pedal 2 months ago so I had an extra $50 now but always say I wish I never sold that pedal and I still have no money:thu:

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Originally posted by tigger_ferret

I hate selling any off my pedals but I think I might have to sell a few in the next couple of weeks, because I can afford having to many pedals I don't use.

If you don't need the money and are happy to have a cupboard full of pedals I would keep it.

Your rarely say I wish I had of sold that pedal 2 months ago so I had an extra $50 now but always say I wish I never sold that pedal and I still have no money:thu:



you're right, it makes the cut for the time being.


hey agentcooper, what are some of your favorite settings?

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Originally posted by EvilSoup

I wonder if I should ever get a phaser even though I have a TZF.


if you have the expression pedal with the TZF then you dont need one but if your distinct bout your phase settings then i guess you need a stand alone phase machine.

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