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pitch to cv converter


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thanks for the reply. Guess as much that it shud not be as straight forward.


Was trying to find info on it and it seem like most of the cv converting module deal with keyboard/synth instead.


I will try the envelope method with the moog low pass filter and see how it goes.


Thanks once again:)


just a wishful idea thou, if only theres something to convert the guitar signal(notes) to cv with the converted signal to control the various parameter on those moog pedals and output the sound. Oh well, maybe iam just thinking it too simple. Pardon me if the above sound stupid

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woah, there will have to go thru quite a bit of gear/conversion which i dont want to go into.


Guess i will just be happy tweaking/patching those moog pedals instead of thinking too much of doing things that are too far out.




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