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Does this pedal sound familiar to anyone?


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There was guy playing through an overdrive into a DRRI yesterday at my local GC. It was clearly boutique, and he said he brought it in with him. It was large - about the size of a kids shoe box. It was sky blue in color, and seemed to have bass & treble controls. It sounded SWEET... but I couldn't ask him what it was as he was talking to a salesman.


Anyone? I'd know it if I saw it, and I've never seen this one before.

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With regards to trying different tubes. I have a Fatdrive and I am curious about this.


First, the thing seems VERY difficult to open, it's built like a freakin' tank. Problems with openins it?


Secondly, do you need to bias the tube or did you just throw it in there?


Also, as it is clear that I don' t know much about tubes, I was under the impression that tubes had different connectors based on the number of pins they have. Is this true or can any correctly sized tube be put in a varidrive/fatdrive?



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I've never had a Fatdrive, so I can't comment about it.


You do not need to worry about bias. Just replace the tube with a 'compatible' one. I mostly have used 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes for my pedals.


When changing power tubes in your amp bias becomes more relevant. For changing preamp tubes, such as the ones used in these pedals, you don't need to worry about it.

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