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BOSS vs Digitech


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I am looking to get a good distortion or multi-effects pedal (This is gonna be my frist one). I saw a few from BOSS that sounded good and a few from Digitech. A few I was looking into is the BOSS DS 1-Distortion Pedal, Digitech D-F7 Distortion Factory Pedal, Boss OD-20 Drive Zone Twin Pedal w/COSM and DigiTech RP300A Guitar Multi-Effects Pedal. I would like to see your opinions on these guys. I have about 200-250 to spend (considering I have a $100 store credit from guitar center to use).



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I personally don't care for the RP line from Digitech. If you wanted a good, general purpose OD/distortion pedal, the OD-20 would be the way I'd go. That doesn't give you any effects, though. If you want any sort of modulations or delays, you'll want the RP (out of the ones you listed). You might consider the Boss ME-50, it's fairly affordable. It's about $300, I believe, so that's not too far over your range.

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Not to drift away completely from what you are asking for. But if you are going to drop $250 at GC, I would recomend grabbing a couple of the Line 6 tonecores. Say an Uber Metal for your distortions and then an echo park, verbzilla or liqua-flange to get some delays or modulations.

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