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I just took my Organic Chemistry 1 final...Cells and Organisms is next and then I'm ready to apply to Medschooooooool.


To keep it on topic - what's the word on the tonecore liquaflange? I'm interested 'cause word on the street is that it can do TZF, and I like the trigger function too.



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Originally posted by losergeek

love the scale - maintained my A-. Why'd you take orgo - were you premed (are you a doctor now?) or a chemistry major?

Stupid pre-med.

That's why I re-took organic chem, too. I needed the grades.

Dumped that track after sophomore year, though, so it was all a big fat waste!


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haha, i'm almost done with my pre-meds.

took chem 1 and 2

took finishing bio this semester (friday)

halfway done with orgo

took calculus

gonna take physics in the summer


i love being pre-med though. as long as yer not type A, it's a good deal.

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