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Fab Metal Semi-Review


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So I just got the Fab Metal in the mail today. Purchased it for $14.99 at Musicians Friend because I was looking for cheap pedals.


This is a one trick pony for sure. If you raise the tone from 0 it get Ultra Trebly and nasely and unless you want static that makes people cover their ears I would not recommend it. The Distortion knob is about the same....if you roll it off below 6/7'ish it gets really really rough and sharp sounding. I haven't been able to play with the volume on it yet because it is late. Perhaps it sounds a bit better with the volume up? :confused: But yeah when you have the Ton at 0 and the Distortion around 9 it gets a generic metal tone down okay. I wouldn't bother considering it as my main sound though.



Now the kind of cool thing I found out about it is when I stuck it like this Guitar --> Big Muff --> Fish n Chips --> Fab Metal. I use the Fish n Chips to help cut the bass out on the muff a bit since the Ampeg is already bassy. But yeah with the fab metal on it gets this interesting sort of octave'ed fuzzy sound. I guess I'm going to have to hook up the mixer and just record a clip.



Anyways, I recommend this as a mixer to other pedals and not as a main pedal.

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very, very seriously. distortion pedals (and od) tend to be dual-purpose, imho. with settings like yours, you are maxxing out the pedal's crunch-sound/personality onto the amp, using the pedal as a large, or only, source of distortion.

with settings like mine, it spikes the amp's input to put the preamp tubes into some crunch (overdrive), without making the pedal's personality so much of the final sound since the drive is set so low. once the volume is turned up on the amp, you are amplifying the sound of a tube preamp spiked by a pedal, rather than amplifying the sound of a pedal with a bit of preamp gain in there too.

dano may cheap out on housing, switch, etc, but tonally their circuits are quite often pretty darn good (and sometimes lifted from other classic designs). i'm guessing this one is too.

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Well the family is still here but I cranked it up to fill the upstairs area for a bit. The Fab metal is actually usable with a stock DS-1 or a SD-1 in front of it. Took awhile of tweaking for sure...but yeah when the amp started to get some oomph behind it the sound did change quite a bit. Clips on the way.

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Actually, I use this pedal as my main "metal" sound. But note, I don't play metal, so it's not like I have it turned on all the time. But I use it.

Playing through a 2x12 (SS, even!), with a little EQ to enhance the bass on the pedal, I think it sounds awesome. I passed on keeping an Uber Metal just because of this cheapo. It's a winner to me. :thu: At any rate, I'd use it to cover Coheed and Cambria stuff. :cool:

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Originally posted by telemike

How's the chorus?

On full depth it has a heavy detuning sound going on that works well at slow speeds but sounds kinda wanky at higher speeds..I guess you could back off the depth for higher speeds? I use it max mix and depth at the slowest speed and it thickens things up quite nicely...well worth the $14.99 spent on it.

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I think the chorus is second only to the CE-2.
In tone, anyhow.
Grab 3 for backups.

The metal is.....metal-esque.

THe distortion is great for cheap sounds, I'll probably get one for the sounds I got with the tone at max, and the gain at either 1 5 or 10.

I hated the OD, basically.
it was just a lower gain Distortion, didn't ouch an amp very well.

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Another big thumbs up for the Fab Metal :thu: Just got it today.

It'll be knocking my Warp Factor off my gear list.

I also have the Fab OD, and think, like the Fab Metal, it's easily worth 3 times the price. Maybe 5 times or more...

No, I haven't played the Tri-Metal, or Metal Zones, or many other metal pedals. Still, I don't think other 'only occasional' metal players like myself could go wrong with the Fab Metal.

-- Joe

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The Fab Metal rules for sure but I find myself cascading the Fab Overdrive into the Fab Distortion gives me a similar sound with more control over the tone and way more focused, this way you get two sounds instead of one, keep the gain low on the OD and play around awhile with levels and gain on both (HINT: less is more) try it..I think you will like it!

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Originally posted by StratStevo

The Fab Metal rules for sure but I find myself cascading the Fab Overdrive into the Fab Distortion gives me a similar sound with more control over the tone and way more focused, this way you get two sounds instead of one, keep the gain low on the OD and play around awhile with levels and gain on both
(HINT: less is more)
try it..I think you will like it!



I don't have the Fab Distortion, but I do have a Keeley DS-1, so I'll try putting the Fab OD in front of that to see what happens!


-- Joe

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i have one playing it through a VTM60 and with the vol low yes it is nasely but once you raise the volume it clears up and sounds to me, very appealing for a 15 dollar pedal. It adds just a slight heavy disto to my sound which i was looking for.
well worth 15 bucks.

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Originally posted by Cast_Aside

i have one playing it through a VTM60 and with the vol low yes it is nasely but once you raise the volume it clears up and sounds to me, very appealing for a 15 dollar pedal. It adds just a slight heavy disto to my sound which i was looking for.

well worth 15 bucks.

Yeah, honestly I thought I'd send it right back after I heard how nasely and in-your-face the scooped EQ was. But I became more and more impressed as I worked with it. After awhile, I stopped thinking of it as 'good for a $15 pedal' and started thinking of it just as a very good pedal.

Also, as is the case with my other OD/dirt pedals, my clean boost pedal before or after the FAB Metal sounds great!

BTW, a clean boost into the Fab OD basically redeems it as a pedal -- I wasn't that impressed otherwise with it.

-- Joe

P.S. The amount of gain and volume on the Fab Metal is completely surprising. :eek:

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