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black label boss and ibanez??


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In some cases a different label colour coincides with a major or minor circuit change, and/or production location change. In other cases it's merely a case of running out of a certain colour label... :D

For Boss pedals, check out www.bossarea.com - they list the various label colours, and while you can't tell definitely which label corresponds to what manufacturing year/location, it will at least give you a hint.


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A lot is been discussed about this before.

My opinion.

Yes, there is audible difference, but not neccessarely because of build location, but could rather come from component variables. With other words, a resistor has a certain tolerance, say 5%. With a 100K resistor that could mean it 105K or 95K, quite a difference. And that for every component.

But Japanese Boss pedals were only made for a limit time, that's what makes them more valuable. Some Boss pedals were only made in Japan, those are even more valuable.

Cheers ;)

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I haven't noticed any build quality differences, but the sound quality can vary between models, some have very noticeable differences, and some have slight differences that only gearsluts such as ourselves would recognize. The general consensus is japan is the best for boss

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