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SOT- how odd are 6aq5 tubes?


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I'm considering an amp that uses 6aq5 power tubes. Are these exceptionally rare or hard to find tubes? I've never heard of them, but I know {censored} about tubes, so that's not anything surprising. I don't want to get an amp where the tubes are so {censored}ing rare I'll never be able to find them. It's for a marshall 18 watt clone, so are they comparable to EL34s?

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Originally posted by idiot savant

6aq5's (and also 6005's) are the equivalent of 6v6's but with lower max voltage limits.

not super hard to find. the fender musicmaster bass amp has a 6v6 and a 6aq5 version.



Does that mean that I could use 6v6's in a pinch, or would I have to use yellowjacket's to use anything besides 6aq5 or would that depend on the amp?


AFAIK, the 6aq5 tubes are no longer in production, which is why I ask.

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Originally posted by capnbringdown

Does that mean that I could use 6v6's in a pinch, or would I have to use yellowjacket's to use anything besides 6aq5 or would that depend on the amp?

AFAIK, the 6aq5 tubes are no longer in production, which is why I ask.



They are very cheap on eBay, I just got a matched pair of GE NOS for 15 bucks shipped for my Musicmaster. My musicmaster is in a different city right now so I don't know how great they are but they are pretty easy to come by.


EDIT: I know in my musicmaster the schematics are exactly the same for the 6V6 version and the 6AQ5A versions (minor switch difference). I have heard that it would only require a tube socket change to switch to 6V6 tubes. I would assume it would depend on the amp though.

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Originally posted by Hopeless Romantic

Semi-OT: Does anyone know if it matters if you use matched tubes in a musicmaster? I know it doesn't need to be biased so does tube matching matter?

How dare you make a SOT post in a SOT thread. You'll drive this thread to the depths of the OT realm not previously known!


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Originally posted by Hopeless Romantic

I figured this thread would draw the Musicmaster people like myself...

Hi Musicmaster people!

I didn't know that's what the music master's used. The amp I'm thinkin gabout is a risson marvel that I found on the classifieds. Not a {censored}load of info about these amps out there, but it seems like exactly what I'm looking for, well besides the fact that it's a head and I want a combo.

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