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Lexicon MX200

TMan the 2nd

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I got one recently - although I haven't had much time to really work with it due to the holidays. However, I did a lot of research on line before I bought it and the reports I read were outstanding. You can do a Google search and come up with lots of info - as well as the Harmony Central User Reviews. I bought it from a close associate of mine who's opinion I respect and he was very impressed with it, but decided to ditch all his hardware for a laptop w/ plug-ins set up so he sold it. I had a Lexicon MPX100 before this and it was quite decent for the money, but the MX200 is a very significant upgrade from that in terms of features and sound quality. There's a very long and informative thread on it at: http://homerecording.com/bbs/index.php?

It includes numerous postings from a guy at Lexicon who developed this model. Most users agree that it sounds as good or better than units costing considerably more.

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