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Pedal power question


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Okay, plain and simple I have to power all of my pedals, I am thinking of the VoodooLabs or Dunlop DC Brick. But, upon inspection of the included contents, I think I may have a more complicated situation.


Heres my setup:

ProCo Rat

EHX big muff, Holy Grail, Small Stone

MXR Wylde Overdrive

ADA 4x4


The EHX and Rat are the mini phone power jacks. Do I have to buy seperate jacks for the already expensive power supply??


I hope not!



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I run 2 EHX and a RAT with a "Power Bank" PSU. I had to modify 3 leads with mini jacks bought from the local music shop and a trusty soldering iron.

The only thing is, I'm kind of stuck with them now as you can't buy the barrel to barrel plug leads separately.

Oh well...

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