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effects chain


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Hey, fella's, anybody want to offer an opinion as to the order of my effects, as far as optimizing tone and reducing signal loss?



TS-9, cranked up for heavily overdriven leads.

TS-10, lower level, my distorted rythmn sound,

BD-2, basically a clean boost,

DOD Stereo Chorus,

GE-7 eqaulizer, for semi-acoustic sounds,

Cry Baby.

Old MXR 10 band graphic, no level control just a tone shaper.


Strat or Tele through a Princeton Reverb

I'm happy enough with my sound, but I'm pretty sure I could arrange things to help eleminate noise, reduce signal drop, etc.

The rig stays pretty much in place, as it's sort of a house job, and I really don't get much chance to tweak it myself.

Thanks for any and all input.



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