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BFD Drums 1.5 or Reason Drum Kits 2.0: Which one?

Rock Martyr

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Hello everyone,


Just wanting to know which of the above programs is better sonically. BFD or Reason Drum Kits Refill? Right now I'm using Reason 3.0 with one of the included groovemaster rock kits.


I want something more realistic and sonically amazing. Anyone used these two to be able to compare?



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Guest Anonymous

I recently got BFD drums and i think its got an awesome sound, probably the best real drum software available, you can get some pretty authentic acoustic drum sounds.


Although i like Reason, there always seemed to be too much compression going on, not sure why or what it is, but Reason lacks a certain something, i could always tell it was Reason making the sounds but its different with BFD, more neutral, transparent sound and a lot less mechanical, highly recommended, even the demo is worth the download.

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Another nice one is DFH, or Drumkit From Hell. Very nice sound, although, BFD is sweet too.


Sadly, I don't have either, but I did build my own kit for Battery from a large assortment of drum samples that I have. It basically boils down to a 24 piece kit. That kit combined with the UAD makes for a pretty sweet sounding rock kit.

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I have BFD 1.5, DFH 2, and Reason Drum Kits 2.0. I personally think that DFH 2 has the most realistic drum sounds, but it's such a throughput and memory hog that I find it nearly unusable.


The Reason DK2, even though each hit may not be as realistic, has so many control and miking features that I end up using it more and more.

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