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Signal loss/noise problem please help!


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Hi all,



I get sometimes using lots of gain (either via my Soulbender fuzz or my BigD overdrive), a very quick loss/drop of signal with some noise in. Sometimes it has happened without pedals "on".


The first time i experienced it i addressed it to my pickup switch since it happened while switcing pups. (Tokai LS85Q) , i cleaned it and it seemed to go away.


It happens very rarely, it is not replicateable hence its tough for me to trace it.


I am using Horizon Studio Series leads with neutrik connectors, Ernie ball patch cables.


Do you think its pre-amp or powertubes overloading? Something wrong with my pu swith or jack socket in my guitar? Leads? I have messed with the leads but they dont seem to make any noise or sound.


I have also removed the alluminum covers from my pre-amp valves, tapped them with a chopstick but couldnt get any sound out of them by tapping them.


I hope that the troubleshoot equation has got anything to do with my amp (apart from tubes) since if it was something amp related it would degrade tone permanently.


Any ideas or suggestions? I dont have any spare leads to try on by the way, nor spare valves etc.


The thing is that this is not replicatable at will, i can spend days without having it, and then it can happen twice in an hour or so. Another thing that passes through my mind is AC related from my house or so. Finally, i got the occasional crackle and pop coming out of the amp (preamp tubes??).




I suspect my PU switch or jack. Or tubes or AC, please chime in and help, since so far i had no luck into tracing it.


Amp : LC30II Laney

Tubes: TAD 7025/ECC83CC, TAD ECC83CC, +2xECC83 no name, 4xTAD EL84STR.

Leads: Horizon Studio Series Neutrik connectors, EB patch cables

Pedals: HBE BigD, Fulltone Soulbender, Morley PWA2.




PS. No-one replied to the HCAF forum so i guess i am better off asking amps here amongst my HCFX friends.

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Without talking to an electronics guru and I am not (so if what I type is unhelpful consider this a bump) you are going to have to eliminate each element one at a time.

Have you got a mate that will allow you to swap tubes with his amp? Beg borrow or steal (no dont steal) various items so you can substitute things one at a time. Start with a different guitar then go back to the original guitar and swap the amp and so on.

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Unfortunately my friends, i dont know anyone that is willing to do so. (as a matter of fact i dont know anyone playing guitar in this town who is a friend).

I was just wondering if you got any ideas or suggestions on what could be wrong.

I strongly suspect my house's AC power, since my lights flicker occasionally as well, and i got too many and too often malfuntioning light bulbs that go dead sooner than expected.

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