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Fulltone Mosfet 10th Anniversary


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Hey y'all,


I'm a big fan of Fulltone's work and own the custon shop Fulldrive II pedal (the cream colored one). Curious -- does anybody here own the red Mosfet 10th Anniversary pedal, and what do they think? Is it that much better than the regular or custom shop model to merit picking up?




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I got one. I had a regular 3-way switch one before this. The Mosfet mode definitely changes things up. I prefer it to the standard mode. But I do always find myself just using it on Comp-cut and that mode doesn't take into account the Mosfet. I was playing it last night for a while. I say it is worth it to have the added versatility.

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Originally posted by parns2112

thanks for the replies...how does the Mosfet mode compare to the standard mode in each of the 3 toggle positions? interesting that Mosfet doesn't take into account the Comp-Cut position, as i live in that 95% of the time





I love my Mosfet. I used to run my blue one in vintage mode...now I used vintage mode in mosfet setting. I like having the option. If all you use is comp-cut then I would say don't get it, comp cut takes the cliping stage out of the picture so in std or mos setting thier is no change. I recomend plying one with YOUR amp and see if it's what you like.

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