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My board is never finished and probably never will be...


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Not so surprisingly, I was absent from here for about 6 months, and my board didn't change at all. I come back, and in 2 weeks I've already sold 3 pedals and am about to pull the trigger on 2 new ones.

Bottom line: if you like your setup, leave this place immedately.

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Originally posted by hbar

Not so surprisingly, I was absent from here for about 6 months, and my board didn't change at all. I come back, and in 2 weeks I've already sold 3 pedals and am about to pull the trigger on 2 new ones.

Bottom line: if you like your setup, leave this place immedately.

Well said.
I have to admit though, no matter how much i llike my board, i have to keep changing it around. It's a sickness, possibly some kind of obsessvie compulsive disorder.:o

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A lot of people keep changing around equipment until they find their sound. Don't try to overdo it with gear. You should have enough stuff to where you can tinker around with stuff but at the same time you should still be playing the guitar...not tap-dancing.


I play in 2 completely different bands. One band is heavily rooted in the style of Led Zep, The Black Crowes, and Rolling Stones. The other band is a P&W (praise and worhip band) where I'm the only guitar player. With that said, I need to keep it interesting but not overdo it...and I didn't want to have 2 different boards so I had to kind of improvise and really picked out what I like.

My board of now consists of:
Fulltone Full-Drive II
Fulltone '69
Kaden Fluttertone Trem
RMC Wizard
Neo-vibe clone (In the process of building)

For blues band/Christian worship:

Strat (Tuned Standard)-> Pedalboard -> Fender Blues Jr.

For TBC-stlyed band:
Epi Shearaton (SD Phat Cats) -> Pedalboard -> '79 Marshall JMP

Besides the Vibe, I've had all my other stuff for about 5/6 months and am diggin it. I find that when I stop posting here I somehow get better at the guitar...only God knows how I do it!

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