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Options for around $600


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I'd like to get an acoustic piano or decent keyboard for around 600. Is this possible? I play guitar fairly decently and just want to get the piano to fool around with. I'm not expecting to get anywhere near as proficient on the piano, but certaintly what I know on guitar will help.


If I can get something that has some sort of hammond b3 sound, that would be cool too. But, I'd like something that feels like a real piano.


What are my options?

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Guest Anonymous

Originally posted by sickman

I'd have to sell a couple of my dumbles, but I could probably swing it.


I was just kidding about that. Did you see the M-Audio Prokeys?

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Yeah... I think I should just get an acoustic piano. I'm not really expecting to use the thing anywhere other than the house. I just want start fooling around with Beatles songs and stuff like that. I'll take it from there.


I don't have the time I did as a kid to put into practicing an instrument. I saw that other piano you posted... pretty nice.

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by sickman

Yeah... I think I should just get an acoustic piano. I'm not really expecting to use the thing anywhere other than the house. I just want start fooling around with Beatles songs and stuff like that. I'll take it from there.

I don't have the time I did as a kid to put into practicing an instrument. I saw that other piano you posted... pretty nice.



If you search on Ebay from time to time you may beable to find an upright piano that is near you at a good price.

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Guest Anonymous

Originally posted by sickman

yeah man... I was looking at craiglist. I got a good friend who plays piano, but I was at home and figured see what you guys know.

Some of you are more helpful than others.


People are people.

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Guest Anonymous


Originally posted by HomeInMyShoes

He means the M-Audio Prokeys is like gag me with a spoon.



It met the requirements of the thread starter.

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Originally posted by HomeInMyShoes

Fair enough.

Hey sickman, if you can nab a real piano that's had some reasonable care and you don't mind forking out some cash for a couple of tunings in the first two months and then a couple a year after that I'd go that route. Just be careful with used pianos, it is a bit more due diligence checking for water damage, cracked soundboards and such.


OK...I probably should have stated that I'm really looking for an acoustic piano. I think it will better meet my needs. I'll keep an eye out and try to bring someone with me who knows their stuff. :)

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