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OT: Which SINGER would you like to meet and why?


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We all have discussed which guitarists we love over and over but, I am curious which frontmen yall think are intriguing. It doesn't matter if they play guitar or not. Just name one and say why you like them and would want to meet them.

For me I think the singer I would most like to meet is Chris Cornell. The way he mixes rock and blues, I think sounds incredible. Although, a lot of his lyrics can be a bit odd when just read, if you listen to the songs he does get the message to you somehow. Also I think its cool that, despite how hard rock he looks, he never seems to attract attention. I mean other than the fact that he sings on his albums its almost like he doesn't exist. So many rock stars today seem to get caught up in it all and end up saying or doing stupid {censored} that gets them in trouble. I mean look at the last lead singer for Rage zach dela whatever. Hated that guy. Interesting side note: I read, when Audioslave first got together, that Chris told the rest of the band that they can be political on their own time, he didnt give a {censored}, but he didnt want the band to be political. Me being a guy who hates overly political bands, I thought that was a good idea.

Ok discuss!

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Singers or Frontmen?

As far as singers go these are the ones I'd like to meet and learn technique from:

Fritz Wunderlich (deceased)-- the best German tenor of the 20th century. He had an unreal range, a very light, (almost un-opera) voice that could go low as well. Absolutely the cream of the crop, as far as classically trained singers go.

Jeff Buckley (deceased)-- three octave range. What an asshole. ;) I want to sound most like him when I sing. Fantastic control and breath, and, again, a three octave range. Totally unfair how talented he was.

Sam Cooke (deceased) -- easily my favorite non-classical singer. Dude coined soul music, and wasn't too shabby in his gospel days either. Plus he was shot to death under shady circumstances.

James Carr (deceased, {censored}ing nuts)-- Bat{censored} crazy, but man, there wasn't a better soul singer in all the world. Better than Hayes. Better than Otis. Much better than Mayfield (singing-wise), and goddamn could he make a stone cry.

Living, I guess I'd kinda like to hang with Bjork, as she's so off the wall. The dude from Talk Talk had some pipes too. I dunno. There's not many singers in the music I listen too who I'd want to hang with.

edit: This isn't to say I wouldn't hang with, say, Jason Spaceman or Thom Yorke or Bowie, just that they're not really what I'd hang with to learn the secrets of the trade, so to speak.

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Shakira, need I say why? ;) No, seriously, babe factor aside, I think I might even respect her as a musician - although you never know about these stars of the music biz, how much they really contribute to the product that they are... I have none of her CDs and don't really plan on getting any; however, being a casual listener, I must say I find her fusion very interesting, especially when incorporating a hard-driving Middle Eastern groove. I sort of wish I could get into it more, but that would be straying from the hard rocking path to which I am enslaved.

In a perfect world I am dating Shakira and Gwyneth Paltrow. :love:

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Originally posted by preservation

i dunno. you're fully entitled to liking absolutely anything you want...

but i've always regarded Shakira as a howling skag who's music is some of the most annoying i've ever heard.

C'mon man! She's the most rockinest babe! I watched an MTV show on her last week - I think that's why she comes to mind like that - they made her out to be a real wiz kid and maybe she is. I have a hard time believing stuff like that though, as I see it as nothing but marketing. Regardless, she's my Caribbean dream girl! :love:

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Originally posted by RockNote

C'mon man! She's the most rockinest babe! I watched an MTV show on her last week - I think that's why she comes to mind like that - they made her out to be a real wiz kid and maybe she is. I have a hard time believing stuff like that though, as I see it as nothing but marketing. Regardless, she's my Caribbean dream girl!

Actually, she's Colombian, but nonetheless, I agree with you. I think there's a lot more to her than most people realize. She has more integrity than most artist, and she's a babe.

Alas, some people just don't get her. I wonder why?


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Originally posted by preservation

i dunno. you're fully entitled to liking absolutely anything you want...

but i've always regarded Shakira as a howling skag who's music is some of the most annoying i've ever heard.

I think you must have Shakira confused with this "artist", who unlike Shakira, really is a "howling skag".

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