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Loading custom samples onto the Nord Electro?

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Hello, just wondering if anybody has bothered to hack the Electro sample format (or whether Clavia might have released a utility for this)...it would be awesome if you could overwrite the piano samples with a sample set of your own choosing (like a nice analog string set or something)...seems like a missed opportunity that Clavia doesn't officially allow you to do this...any news?

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They're probably worried it would take a lot of the 'Mystery' out of the electro.


And they don't want to have to support ppl stuffing up their electros.


And someone will probably release a better sample library for it and start profiting from it.


There's no doubt many more reasons.

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Originally posted by dgelas

may be a good programmer (that's not me !) guy could create the software which allows to convert different samples formats to Clavia one.

perhaps it already exists ? we have to check on the net



quite simply, that would be near impossible without detailed information from clavia on how the information is stored and loaded.



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Not necessarily...

This would only be impossible if Clavia had encrypted the loadable sample sets in some way, which may or may not be the case. If it's not the case, it wouldn't be too hard to download one of their free sample sets and hack the header format, replacing the PCM data with whatever you wanted and adjusting the header so that it can still be read by the sound upload utility.

If it's encrypted you would be SOL I guess.

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