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I got a new bass. (Fakenbacker porn.)


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You can see a King Ghidora poster in the pickguard.






Made by a Japanese company called Killer. It's definitely the prettiest instrument I own, that's for sure. :D Sounds stellar as well. Body is alder.


Sorry for the blatant self-indulgence. I'm just excited. :freak:

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Originally posted by BmoreTele


It's like a cross between a Rickenbacker and a Soloway and an Ibanez Iceman.


It's basically a reverse Rick. With the usual bottom-heaviness, like a Thunderbird. But I can deal with that, it's beautiful. :eek:


I didn't notice the Iceman resemblance, though.


Originally posted by autopilot

nice bass. congrats


Thanks. :D

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Originally posted by phishmarisol

Very slick looking. As far as the weight, I hate heavy guitars but the idea of a heavy bass doesn't bother me. Maybe because I'm not a bass player or maybe it has something to do with the whole "low end" thing. Either way, congrats.


Actually, for a bass, it's pretty light. (Compared to most guitars, it's still heavy, though. But lighter than other basses, y'know..)


What I meant was that due to the lower horn being longer than the upper horn, that there's too much weight on the bottom -- And much like a Thunderbird -- The neck will dive if you let go of it/wear your strap low.


It's not that bad, though -- You'd have to be a bit careless to actually let that happen (It's light enough that it doesn't drop very fast at all.) Plus I knew it would be "bottom-heavy" before I purchased it, so yeah. :wave:


I play both guitar and bass, though, so I've gotten used to the differences in each instrument, I guess. I don't even think about it much anymore. :freak:

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That bass really threw me for a while. At first I thought it was a lefty then realised no it was a righty then finally realised it was a reveresed Ricky.


Sweet!!!!! Nice bass!! Binding, mirrored pickguard, nice black finish. Damn it looks good. :thu::cool::D:thu:

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Originally posted by ColorsoundKid

Where did you get it and how much did it cost? I would get one and put a white pickguard and black and white speed knobs on that thing.


I got it through Ishibashi. (http://www.ishibashi-music.com/) I think it rounded out to roughly 600. I sold a car for someone, and got like 15% of the sale, so I just asked them to buy me the bass instead. (Family, so yeah.)




That's the manufacturers website, check it out.


That would be awesome, though. If you do decide to get it post pictures after all the mods, of course. :D:thu:

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Originally posted by Pengrin

That bass really threw me for a while. At first I thought it was a lefty then realised no it was a righty then finally realised it was a reveresed Ricky.

Sweet!!!!! Nice bass!! Binding, mirrored pickguard, nice black finish. Damn it looks good.


Yes! I bet those pictures could be confusing, I didn't realize it until now, haha. :D But still, very awesome.


Thanks, too. :):D


Oh, and so it's less confusing:




Just the poor stock photo.

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