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Amp tech needed! Anyone with knowledge on amps please help!!

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Ok so I finally got my vc30 back from the shop. The good news is the amp sounded great when I first fired it up. The bad news is the volume level slowly declined and the amp started to sound like crap (ugly breakup). I checked the back of the amp and looks like one of the tubes is pulling more current than the other ones (ie it is glowing a bit brighter esspecially down the middle). Could this tube have Red Plated? I have been having all kinds of trouble with this amp. It all started when I put new tubes in it (JJ el84s). One of them went supernova and fried a lot of the board. Bob (Eurotubes) replaced the tube and I had a tech check it out. He replaced all the fried stuff but could not get the amp to work with the jjs unless he changed one of the resisters. This change of resister actually made the amp a bit quieter. The funny thing is he said when the amp was pulled out of the chasis it worked great but inside the chasis it didn't. I have a weber blue dog in the amp and the magnet actually is almost touching or touching the tube lockers. Could this be a problem? I know which socket is causing the tubes to red plate, and I am going to get some socket cleaner tomorrow, but what is yalls advice. I really love this amp and I am upset that it has gotten screwed up. Thanks for reading this far and please help if you have any advice or technical knowledge. I am not sure how competent the amp tech is (he had never heard of Laney).



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