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I was googling for amps and this link came up...

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It'll be very ironic for any of them if they ever need any organs donated. People of other 'races' are just as likely to be a perfect match genetically as 'whites'.

That's right fellas...'race' doesn't actually exist in nature, only in the human ego...messed up ones at that.:idea::wave::freak::bor:

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That is some bad stuff. Isn't music all about being more accepting of all people. Most of the rock music they play as well as what we play is derived from the blues of the delta in some way and msot of that was created by black bluesmen. This kind of stuff needs to be stopped and these idiots, most of whom are illiterate(surprised they can type!) should not be considered musicians.

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Originally posted by todd richman

That is some bad stuff. Isn't music all about being more accepting of all people. Most of the rock music they play as well as what we play is derived from the blues of the delta in some way and msot of that was created by black bluesmen. This kind of stuff needs to be stopped and these idiots, most of whom are illiterate(surprised they can type!) should not be considered musicians.

Nup...have a gander at the movie "Romper Stomper"...the soundtrack is nearly all anti-race Skinhead Metal.

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Originally posted by todd richman

That is some bad stuff. Isn't music all about being more accepting of all people. Most of the rock music they play as well as what we play is derived from the blues of the delta in some way and msot of that was created by black bluesmen. This kind of stuff needs to be stopped and these idiots, most of whom are illiterate(surprised they can type!) should not be considered musicians.

What are you....a Nazi?

"this kind of stuff needs to be stopped"

As uncomfortable as that site makes me...I find it funny that they complain on there about the government and the media being controlled by all powerful Jews...yet if that were true...wouldn't they just shut that site down? :confused:

I for one am glad we have freedom of speech.

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Originally posted by BryanMichael

I for one am glad we have freedom of speech.

Do you really?


Compliance is the 'way' in modern democracies. The mass media is a perfect reflection of just how free your speech is.

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I spent some time during the Cronulla race riots reading much of the rhetoric at Storm Front ... there were members there who were behind the initial protest day being blown out into a National Front/White Supremecist thing too ... they were pumping young white kids with beer from early morning and then slowly slipping in a few chants and rhetoric and away she went. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

Do you really?

Compliance is the 'way' in modern democracies. The mass media is a perfect reflection of just how free your speech is.



The fact that this "hate" site exists, the fact that I can (and have) stood outside the president's house and told him to {censored} off, the fact that despite various incidents, the military is now prosecuting their own soldiers for rape and murder in Iraq (hello- the press anyone?) tells me that by and large free speech is alive and well in the USA. But if you want to look at the downside of the corporatization of journalism, sure- I'm with you. But now you sound like those Nazi bastards complaining that the Jews run the media and that "the truth" isn't getting out there because it's being supressed by "them" (insert your feared powerholder here)


You want to talk about the "mass media" ? I can go anywhere in my town and pick up 20 different "alternative" newspapers that reperesent a huge variety of views, they all ahave internet sites as well- TV and radio? Okay, that's a tough one to crack, but it's not as if they are being prevented from getting their "message" out there at all, they just don't have the money to get the TV and radio stuff out there- that's how everything works. Money=Power.

But that's a seperate issue than "freedom of speech" that's access to getting your "speech" heard.


I can even burn my flag in protest...that's pretty damn free!

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Originally posted by BryanMichael

But now you sound like those Nazi bastards complaining that the Jews run the media and that "the truth" isn't getting out there because it's being supressed by "them" (insert your feared powerholder here)

Great arguments here...:freak:

I don't think media supression has much to do with anything 'racial'. That's the red herring case. It's much more likely to be based on corporate greed and manipulation (lots of examples of this - Murdoch anyone?). There's a huge difference between the 'appearance' of freedom of speech in you're own bubble, and true freedom of unconditional expression in the community as a whole. FOS is won and lost incrementally, so people don't notice the change much.

Having a dinky supremicist/guitar website is actually a sign that this isn't out in the open. Just have a look at the suprised responses to it's existence in this thread. Those people would not be likely to go out into mainstream society and express those views openly...it's clear from their comments, that they don't feel they can do that, or that they're free to do that without them being persecuted in some form.

If you genuinely believe you can go out into public forums etc and effectively counter everything the establishment aims to protect, and not end up being monitored, listed, shut down etc then more power to you...but you still won't be sure until you've actually done it.

In the last 10 years, our governments on both sides of politics, have steadily increased their powers to monitor and control their own citizens. National security has been the very deliberate and well planned justification of that. The evidence is in the mountains of new legislation added to 'protect us'.

Probably the best reflection of true freedom of speech is government/establishment accountability coniciding with a high level or privacy. I haven't seen too much of that...just the opposite. Probably the worst indication of a lack of genuine freedom of speech is how many scapegoats are to be offered up to the media etc in pretence of said accountability (ie. several examples you provided).

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

Great arguments here...

I don't think media supression has much to do with anything 'racial'. That's the red herring case. It's much more likely to be based on corporate greed and manipulation (lots of examples of this - Murdoch anyone?). There's a huge difference between the 'appearance' of freedom of speech in you're own bubble, and true freedom of unconditional expression in the community as a whole. FOS is won and lost incrementally, so people don't notice the change much.

Having a dinky supremicist/guitar website is actually a sign that this isn't out in the open. Just have a look at the suprised responses to it's existence in this thread. Those people would not be likely to go out into mainstream society and express those views openly...it's clear from their comments, that they don't feel they can do that, or that they're free to do that without them being persecuted in some form.

If you genuinely believe you can go out into public forums etc and effectively counter everything the establishment aims to protect, and
end up being monitored, listed, shut down etc then more power to you...but you still won't be sure until you've actually done it.

In the last 10 years, our governments on both sides of politics, have steadily increased their powers to monitor and control their own citizens. National security has been the very deliberate and well planned justification of that. The evidence is in the mountains of new legislation added to 'protect us'.

Probably the best reflection of true freedom of speech is government/establishment accountability coniciding with a high level or privacy. I haven't seen too much of that...just the opposite. Probably the worst indication of a lack of genuine freedom of speech is how many scapegoats are to be offered up to the media etc in pretence of said accountability (ie. several examples you provided).

I didn't mean my reference to compare to yours based on race, only on a set of "feared power holders" which you obviously have defined (corporations, Murdoch, etc..)- would I perhaps be "monitored" if I spoke out against the "establishment" - Maybe, but living here in Columbus I've regularly seen KKK marches on the statehouse lawn, art controversy, gay protests (we are the 3rd largest gay population in the US) and yes political scandal and election investigation (this is Ohio :o )
I correspond with other people on other forums, many from the UK (I know you aren't from the UK) and I have to say that it seems we have quite a bit more lee-way here in the US as far as personal freedoms go, despite the current administration's tightening of all of that. We also have to define "free" are we TOTALLY free? I can't just go out and kill someone without consequence, can I? But I CAN just go out and kill someone.- so which defines the freedom, the power to do it (which I have) or the power to do it without any consequence. (which I do not have)

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