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Any cheaper plaintop LP 59 or 60 reissues?


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There's the 58 reissue that's mid to upper $2000's, but the 59 and 60's are way more. I want the non baseball bat sized neck-I think my current one has about a '59 profile, which is about right. I've picked up a couple SG's and such with the bigger neck and hated them.

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The LP Classic is supposedly a 1960 reissue. However the pickups are very high gain ceramics. You could get one and swap out the pups for a lot less than a pucker reissue.

I've got one and kept it stock. As with all Gibsons try a lot. I lined up 6 in the shop and walked out with the best one. The variation is quite shocking.

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Originally posted by CS


I've got one and kept it stock. As with all Gibsons try a lot. I lined up 6 in the shop and walked out with the best one. The variation is quite shocking.

agreed . for the last 15 years ive been looking for a gibby les paul that i could be happy with . the closest ive come was a custom shop for 5 k :cry: i cant justify getting it at that price :cry: :cry: :cry:

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I was thinking of a custom shop one, mostly because of the solid mahogony instead of the weight relief holes, but I'm not ruling out a Standard. It just seems like it would change the sound to have 11 holes drilled in it. The light weight would be nice-mine weighs about 12 lbs.
Anyone know if any recent (90's, 00's) discontinued models fit the bill? Custom shop, plain top or lightly figured, 59 or 60's neck, faded sunburst, like Page's or the one on the cover of the new GC mini catalog they just sent out-perfect color.

p.s. I'm not sure why I posted this in effects-meant to do it in Electric Guitars, but help me out anyway?

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