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Fun with volume pedals??? Give me your tricks

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I prefer to put mine after my dirt but in front of my delay so it doesnt effect my od sound and the delay only repeats what I want it to for swell sound. If you put it after your delay when you raise the volume sometimes its still repeating things that you dont want it too.

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This is a good trick but you need to live in a two story apartment atleast ... so ok tie some twine or rope around a very heavy Volume pedal and choose a day when it's busy on the street below ... if there is a bus stop even better. Wait for a busy time ... make sure you have an open window that looks down onto the street below. Now just throw the volume pedal out the window and let it hit what it may ... you already have it tied off to something in the apartment ... when it lands, run to the window and see what you've hit and depending on what it is award yourself points. You will have to make up a rudimentry points system so if you hit a head then you'd get 10 pts ... if only a shoulder or a small dog then 5 or 7 pts etc.

After you have checked this ... pull the Volume Pedal back into your friends apartment and go back to your apartment on the opposite side of the building and wait for the cops to knock on your mates door.

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Originally posted by TIKIROCKER

This is a good trick but you need to live in a two story apartment atleast ... so ok tie some twine or rope around a very heavy Volume pedal and choose a day when it's busy on the street below ... if there is a bus stop even better. Wait for a busy time ... make sure you have an open window that looks down onto the street below. Now just throw the volume pedal out the window and let it hit what it may ... you already have it tied off to something in the apartment ... when it lands, run to the window and see what you've hit and depending on what it is award yourself points. You will have to make up a rudimentry points system so if you hit a head then you'd get 10 pts ... if only a shoulder or a small dog then 5 or 7 pts etc.

After you have checked this ... pull the Volume Pedal back into your friends apartment and go back to your apartment on the opposite side of the building and wait for the cops to knock on your mates door.


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