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So sad., so sad....


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Looks like you unlocked the tempo synced included version of Pong!


Be happy you unlocked the Easter egg..


Nevertheless, on a serious note:

Sorry to see your LCD is busted. My Mpc4000 screen has the same thing but I can just look around it.


Interested in what the cost for the LCD screen is though.

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Originally posted by daFunkyUnit

a picture is worth a thousand words


its been giving me problems ever since i upgraded it last May..... I'm about to cry....


The problem might not be as bad as you think..my Wavestation had a similar problem but all it was was that the lcd panel wasnt tight with the rubber inside the actual lcd display itself... after I reseated it all was fine. Try pushing the LCD screen and see if it makes any difference before opening it up...

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hooray, i got my MD-UW back from Sweden today! so far everything is honky-dory!


apparently, there was something wrong with the CPU card, so that had to be replaced. Jon, the Elektron tech, was super nice, although I still had to pay for the repair as my warranty ran out, but I was charged half price, which was cool.


well, the moral of the story is: you definitely get what you pay for. :)

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Originally posted by daFunkyUnit

apparently, there was something wrong with the CPU card, so that had to be replaced. Jon, the Elektron tech, was super nice, although I still had to pay for the repair as my warranty ran out, but I was charged half price, which was cool.



Just curious, what was your total cash outlay including all repairs and shipping?

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Originally posted by MartinHines

Just curious, what was your total cash outlay including all repairs and shipping?





Used MD: $900

MD to UW upgrade: $500

Shipping for upgrade: $100

Sub Total: $1500


so i saved a few Benjamins on a MD-UW right?... or did I???


Shipping for repair: $100

Repair cost: $150


Total cost of MD-UW: $1750.


guess I shouldve bought a spankin' new MD-UW to begin with....

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