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Just scored a Deja'Vibe 2 for $170

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LOL nice duane.

I did the whole ebay / tgp sniping thing for a while.
I got a few deals. But then I realized (once I had run out of money) that I had forgetten about what I'd really been gassing for.
So I wound up with 3 wahs and 2 choruses before I ever got a delay. wtf is this?
Today though I got a second dod bi-fet, this one for $25. i don't feel guilty about that :D

So, hope you get your analog man stuff!

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Originally posted by loofery

LOL nice duane.

I did the whole ebay / tgp sniping thing for a while.

I got a few deals. But then I realized (once I had run out of money) that I had forgetten about what I'd really been gassing for.

So I wound up with 3 wahs and 2 choruses before I ever got a delay. wtf is this?

Today though I got a second dod bi-fet, this one for $25. i don't feel guilty about that

So, hope you get your analog man stuff!

Thanks man. Yeahhh.. I was planning on picking up a univibe clone anyway, and I couldn't pass this deal up. Got my AD9 too, which was part of the plan. I'm ordering a mini bicomp tonight, and then the MM-4 is going up on ebay either tomorrow or wednesday to hopefully get funds for an AM Clone Chorus.

All is in order and I am excited. :D That was what has made these snags exciting, the fact that they are part of my master plan. :love:

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Originally posted by rememberduane

Crazy on the fuzz. I'm excited for the Deja2. Any particular settings it likes?


It is just a simple plug and play unit..Pedal is the speed control..

It is pretty dead on for a univibe.maybe just a hair more effect signal than a stock univibe..If ya wanted a Univibe you will like it..

I have the deja after gain pedals and the CC2 vibe before when I run them..Depends on the gigs..Have Fun, Keith

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Originally posted by loofery

Can you compare and contrast with CC2 vibe with the Deja?


WEll....The dejavibe is simply a close copy/version of an Original Uni-vibe/Vibrachorus pedal.

The Provibe in the CC2 Does the original Uni-vibe and more.Way more control and color options..THe Provibe after all was the original Uni-vibe clone.Dave just made it to where you can make it sound more like what we actually heard coming out of the studio's on recording in a live situation. Jimi would be using one if he was still here. Trower would use one if he still cared;) .Hope this helps..

PS I would never sell my deja-2 or Provibe..Never...

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