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Motif owners- Q about recording audio.

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It's better audio quality than a BR-8 because it's uncompressed (all the VR recorders use Roland's MT compression).


It's still not up to snuff as a recorder replacement because:


1. Max single sample size is 64MB stereo, 32MB mono...that's just over 6 minutes. On an original Motif 64MB is all the RAM you can have period, on the ES you can have up to 1GB allowing you record almost two hours of audio but no single "take" can be over 6 minutes.


2. No easy way to tweak the audio after sampling (cut and paste, bounce tracks, etc.)


3. Reloading samples is REALLY SLOW and must be done every time you power on the Motif. On the ES someone timed a load of 512MB of samples as taking about 45 minutes :eek:


It is best suited for "flying in" small sections of audio into sequences say a backing vocal part that will be repeated many times in a song, sample it once and then drop it in where you need it.

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