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recording is too hard


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I've never really needed to crank out a bunch of tracks

but my forays into this realm usually show how clueless I am at this game

my time with a cheap four track only exposed my lack of timing

and now my attempts with a computer show my lack of dexterity with this equipment!




I was just thinking...

first you gotta learn how to play

then you gotta learn how to play with the peeples

then you have to learn something about gear and how to get better tones

then you have to learn how to write tunes

then you have to learn how to make the tunes with different tracks

then you have to learn how to record it!


what a pain in the ass this {censored} is!


why couldn't I be happy flipping my record and loading my bong!!!!

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recording is a whole 'nuther ballgame.
almost unrelated to playing.
my take on it?
learn to do it well enuff to get a halfway decent demo and that's it--unless you wanna become an engineer. because unless you wanna spend just as much time with mic placement as you do w/ playing songs, it ain't for you.

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Originally posted by gr8fuldodd

I suppose, but then I think about those people that do it all

but then again... what's the quality like on those demos by some great bands/artists?

is it that great????

oh, it is?


but that's because they had some help?

very few do it all.
the ones who do who i can think of have a lofi quality to the music and so rough edges don't hurt--people like Steve Albini, Phil Elveum (the Microphones) and a young Elliot Smith.

rest assured...most DID get some help. ;)

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